This promo has left me speechless too. 😮 It was mind-blowing!
The scene between Regina and Emma is definitely a dream, but the writers could throw a curve ball at us and it ends up actually being real. 😮
Ok, I’m worried about Mr. Gold. Not about his survival, but about his powers. I’m not afraid of him losing them, I’m afraid of them being revealed. I have a feeling that once Rumpel holds or uses the dagger, his powers will return to him. And while that would make me wuite happy, it would also mean that everyone else will find out about them. When Rumpel became the Dark One, his entire physical appearance changed. And if he regains his powers in Storybrooke, the same thing may occurr again. We’ll creepy, impish Rumpel just strolling down the street like nothing’s wrong. 😆