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@NONNIE wrote:
IF SHE SHOWS up she will be a character not yet seen in SB or FTL…. but I have a feeling this back story will not be investigate further. I think the writers tell the story and make a statement then leave it at that to go on to tell the story they are interested in…. I do not think they plan to show every detail and back story… from her on out they will be showing a more forward story and not as much back story.
This may depend very much on how many seasons we get (a lot I hope I hope I hope!!!). I don’t see Rumpel’s wife being any major player, but they may revisit a bit of his history as it pertains to why-he-ran. Since Rumpel-as-coward has been a recurring theme, the origin of this label is kind of important. It was one of the last things Bae said to him, and since that story has not yet resolved, it is possible we may get more backstory.
But some have speculated, and I think it is very possible, that there will be a whole new mode of story-telling next season, and we may be done with flash-backs altogether. I hope that doesn’t mean we are done with FTL, but it may be more of present-day FTL. Personally, I would like to see it given at least a scene, just to know the circumstances of Rumpel leaving the battlefield, and (possibly related) how he got the limp. I read a fanfic that suggested he was hobbled as a punishment for running, and I really like that scenario, so until something different shows up on screen, that is canon in my head!