In SB, Mother Superior chews Astrid out for a clerical error: “You know how he feels about us.” Astrid tells Leroy that Gold is the convent’s landlord and “if we miss a payment we’re out.”
In FTL, the dwarves encounter Belle in a tavern: she points out that Dreamy’s in love; she knows love when she sees it. “Love is hope; it fuels our dreams. . . love doesn’t always last forever. . . I’ve had my heart broken enough to know when somebody’s reaching out.”
Back in SB, Leroy tries to sell his boat to Gold. Gold seems to be willng to bargain until he hears the money will benefit the nuns. He argues that the rental agreement is specific and permits him to evict upon failure to make a single payment. He calls the nuns “distasteful tenants” and says, “I have a long, complicated history with them.”