Home › Forums › Once Upon a Time › Season Two › General Season Two discussion › Season 2 Promo Photos … Reminds one of LOST › Re: Season 2 Promo Photos GIVE AWAY POSSIBLE SPOILERS, Lost-
@LOSTuponatime wrote:
saimejoxxers –
And if we ARE to read into this group photo – as has been done with past LOST cast photos, then are we to suspect that a deal will be struck with Regina as a new threat rises? Here’s why:and 5) last but not least … Rumple. He is not toasting ANYONE! Instead, he is holding a golden chess piece – not black, not white. And it appears to be a queen. Two things arise out of this: 1) it's gold. Not black or white. This could be interpreted as he's not following the standard “rules” but making up his own. OR he's playing his own game with his own motives. (I also love the “black and white” tip of the hat to Eddie and Adam's beloved LOST here too…)
For Rumple chess set pic. [ I agree that he is holding up a golden queen. I think the queen refers to Regina and the gold part to King Midas. Not sure if that implys a relationship between the two either family wise or perhaps a deal..
The picture of Snow sharpening pencils makes me think she is using them as a weapon. Maybe she is trapped and needs them.
The picture of Rumple and the scarf does seem to tie in with the fact he spun straw into gold. Might as well put that gold yarn to use. Perhaps, Belle kniitted it for him. Another thought was the scarf was used to escape. I like the possiblilitie of Belle making it but he didn't find it until after she left.
The picture with Henry in front of the school with a horse. In his backpack is a shild with 7 astericks type stars. I wonder if that is the 7 dwarves or 7 lands/kingdoms? Also he is wearing a badge. Maybe he is acting as a deputy.
The main picture with all of them. Red is hold up a tray of hot dogs. Since there are three and hot dogs are usually made out of pork, I thought of the 3 little pigs story.
The picture of Belle at the diner. She is pouring tea into of the chipped cup. Perhaps she will work there. But she is distracted and the cup overflows. Who distracted her? On the counter looks like Jordan Almonds. But i am wondering what is written on the back chalk board? I can't read the writing.