King George was king when James was in love with Snow. When James and Snow get married,; who is King? King “Charming” James? Prince Thomas’ Dad? King Midas?? but I don’t remember seeing Midas, Abigail at the wedding but then again we were never formally introduced to them so they should be out of play. Who is King from Charming and Snow’s wedding to the birth of Emma? If it is King “Charming” then Emma is a Princess……yes??? It seems minor but it is a minor $64,000 question wouldn’t anyone agree? We all wonder what Emma’s FTL role is? Henry did tell Emma that she was in the book, the pages of the book were burned. I think Charming became King and Snow, a Queen….making Emma—Princess Emma. Other than that I do not have enough to predict any further without grasping at unknown straws.