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@rumplegoldfan wrote:
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how they have made such a big deal about the curse taking away everyone’s happy endings in SB but really, no one seemed to be too happy in FTL. I have wondered about them doing something really bizarre and having them have Regina and Rumple be redeemed and have everything “end” happily in SB, but then Emma’s final act as The Savior would be use their redemption and her own magic to somehow change the way things were back in FTL and give everyone their happily ever after back in FTL as well. So that would mean that Snow’s mother wouldn’t die young, Regina would be able to marry Daniel and wouldn’t get stuck with Snow’s father so neither Daniel nor Snow’s father would die, neither James nor his brother would have to go pretend to be the King’s son, Rumple would never become the Dark One so he wouldn’t lose Bae, etc. Most importantly Snow and Charming would still “find each other” so Emma would still be “re-born” as the Savior but her parents would actually get to raise her. When we find out who Henry’s dad is (I’m hoping he is from FTL) he and Emma would still end up together in FTL so Henry would still be born but not in a jail and would be raised by his parents in a happy home (not one where he is convinced his mother is the Evil Queen). So Emma would “kind of” choose to sacrifice herself because she would choose to give up the life she has lived up to that point for everyone else’s ultimate happiness (including Regina and Rumple’s), but she would do so knowing that she would be reborn into better life to be raised with her real parents and knowing she will be able to raise her son from birth as well. So the Fairy Tales would, once again, be changed from how we originally thought we knew them. We would see Emma sacrifice herself and “die” and then brief flashes of the changed lives of each of the characters, until we get to Snow and Charming with baby Emma and then maybe flash forward to her as an older child meeting whoever Henry’s father is. End of series.
Wow. Someone’s thinking ahead…… 😀