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Haha, not to say that my theory is great or anything, but I do hope that some characters die off during the show…
One of the main themes in the show is sacrifice, and while it’s nice to want everything to work out happily ever after in our own lives, I think it happening in a book or show makes the story lose its luster.
I think one of my major complaints about LOST and Harry Potter is that they ended too fluffy. Everyone was with each other in the end, and in Harry Potter all of the trio survived. The epilouge was just TOO much haha.
You need to kill off characters in a show like this, because they are in War, and how better to connect to the audience then having it become somewhat “real” with one of their characters sacrificing themselves, or losing their life? If everything were to end in happy endings all the time then we wouldn’t be on the edge of our seat wondering “what if?!”
While I agree that they killed Graham too early in the show (not enough time for the audience to really be effected by his death) I believe that it was a good reminder to people that “hey, we’re in war, anyone could live or die.” and I think that’s what makes this show so great. It’s the risk of it all.
Some of my favorite moments in LOST were death scenes, because I was so emotionally invested in a character that when they died, it was just heart wrenching. Charlie’s death scene is one of the most iconic things of LOST, and while no, I hope that a lot of the characters don’t die, I hope there is just as great of an impact with a character’s death as there was with Charlie.
I also think it’s a good way for characters such as Regina, Emma or Rumpelstilskin to redeem themselves — to give their own power, pride, cowardicy, or faith in dying what they have so long neglected or fought.