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@Elle wrote:
Regina may be even more dangerous in season 2. With magic coming back (Regina will probably get her powers, sooner or later) Regina will not only be vengeful over her defeat, but in losing Henry, and seeing everyone happy will push her to extremes, but I think in a even more calculating manner. She was never stupid in the first place, though her temper got the better of her.
In the first season, she trusted Rumpelstiltksin too much–he basically ruined her rein of power and terror. She’s not going to do the same mistake–she might strike up her own deals to gain people, and get some of her old allies.
But who would make a deal with Regina? She’s gone out of her way to cause harm to even some of her closest allies. She kept Belle locked up, so Rumpel is out of the question. She kept Maleficent trapped underground and it currently dead. The blind witch is dead. And she turned one of the people who helped her cast the curse into a gnome. And for obvious reasons, I don’t see The Charmings making any deals with her either. She’s kind of left out in the cold right now.
However, there’s always Dr. Whale. If he doesn turn out to be someone powerful, he may become a great asset to Regina. However, judging by his reaction to Regina crying on his shoulder in the finale, I’d say not. 😆