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@mickey wrote:
I’ve been wondering about the same thing in Mother Superior/Blue Fairy thread. I’m leaning towards the theory that it is a plot hole. I think Bae did love his dad despite his Dark One form. That is why he took such desperate measures to save Rumple from himself. I think Rumple might have been able to resist the transformation, but the Blue Fairy should at least have had the decency to tell Bae about that possibility instead of straight away sending him to another world . He could have tried true love’s kiss first without telling his dad why he is kissing him.
I concur, the Blue Fairy out of everyone should have known about True Love’s kiss “before it became the hip thing to know”. 🙄
Even if it is a plot hole, it bothers me because it’s something so dynamic to the plot, and without a proper explanation as in to why this wouldn’t have worked on Rumpel and Bae we could just assume that if this were to happen, that we wouldn’t even have a show haha.
I don’t know…. I’ve been wracking my brain to come up with a proper explanation, and the only one I can really lean against is perhaps like oncescape said about Belle actually accepting Rumpel for who he is (even if she was trying to somewhat change him) as opposed to Bae who didn’t love his father’s new form, but his former self. (I can’t blame the kid though) haha.
Who know… I just hope the writers explain this because it’s bothering me. 0.o