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As far as NealfireBaitGate is concerned, I’m somewhat conflicted. On the one hand, it’s totally true that he’d hate for Henry to be used in the same way. Roland was put into a potentially dangerous situation, and Neal knew where Roland would end up if the plan was a bust, so it was dubious and risky, and ideally he shouldn’t have resorted to that.
On the other hand, Neal resorting to such desperate and less than moral methods to get to his son could be foreshadowing of Neal coming to understand why his own father resorted to such desperate and less than moral methods to get to him. Neal doesn’t want to be his father, he wants to break that cycle of abandonment and abuse, but in order to do that right thing, he ended up doing something that was arguably wrong, and I think that adds some interesting complexity to the character. It’ll hopefully be something they use in upcoming eps as they explore Neal and Rumple’s relationship, and whether or not they can understand each other and reconcile. I think that as long as Neal saw everything his father had done as being straight up reprehensible, it was gonna be hard for the reconciliation to really happen. But now that he himself has been pushed to that brink, and done something that put people, a child no less, in danger, but he was driven by a need to get to people he loves, one of whom he’s wronged and hurt, basically Nealfire has totally just had himself a Rumple moment. So with any luck, this was done as a bit of character development to help Neal eventually see his father in a slightly different light.
Compromising one’s integrity is a theme we’re already seeing with Charming not being honest about his injury and impending death, so it’s interesting to see another character, the guy who hurt Charming’s daughter no less, having a similar lapse in moral judgement. Can the end justify the means is a question we can ask of both of these guys right now. In Neal’s case, he knew the risks, but also had enough knowledge of the Shadow to plan for those risks, so felt justified in taking the chance, and luckily it worked. If Roland still ends up being taken, I’m sure Neal will feel incredibly guilty.
Emma finding out a little bit of Snow’s history and that it wasn’t all sunshine and roses for Snow either.
This was such a brief moment, but I think it’s really important. Emma was rather surprised to learn that her mother had ever lived like that. She thinks they’re so completely different, and Snow doesn’t really understand what life has been like for her, but this was a little glimpse at something they can both relate to, and maybe it’ll be a starting point for them to understand each other more.
6. I liked the Hook and Emma coconut scene.
Hook just chillin’ and punchin’ holes in coconuts made me laugh. Loved it. This is probably that “tropical drink” that Jane mentioned Hook having made a while ago. 😉