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I really love love love this episode!!! Lots of character moments to munch on!
Favorite Moments:
-Hook suggesting to find Tinkerbell to help them
-Some “bromance” moment with Charming and Hook. Hook keeping Charming’s poison a secret
-Emma finding out a little bit of Snow’s history and that it wasn’t all sunshine and roses for Snow either.
-Neal jumping off the ledge and grabbing the shadow (I’m rather surprised and please that Neal found a way to Neverland so quickly. I hate if it dragged on to find another way to open a portal, ugh…I love that Neal is giving it all he can to get to Emma and Henry. He’s really repenting for all the wrongs he did to Emma)
-Henry shooting the crossbow at Peter. (Wow the boy has guts! Pan is even scarier catching that arrow like it was nothing)
-Peter telling Henry he is the real savior of magic
-Roland soooooo adorable!
-Regina and Tink’s face off with one another. Tink is pretty badass!
Least Fav Moments:
– Suggesting that Mulan tells Aurora that she loves her. I’m kinda iffy on this. I don’t like how they sideline Mulan as being the third wheel between Aurora and Philip. I really want to see Mulan get her own true love and happy ending. Because either way if she tells Aurora, she only interfering with Philip in that regard. That would just cause heartbreak anyway. I really hope Mulan finds her own love.
-Finding out Robin is Regina’s love (I kinda threw up in my mouth a little bit.) Ugh…however the writer play with this I just really hope that they do it well….I’m not really sure how it ruined Robin’s life if Regina didn’t go to him in the tavern that night. If she did, he probably wouldn’t have Roland….but then again Regina wouldn’t have enacted the curse that made everyone miserable… Bravo to the writers for causing my head to spin…