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None of this has really been confirmed confirmed within the show. PP told Henry he needs him to save magic because he’s the truest believer. He said he needed to save magic in all worlds, not just one (so that would include NL but we don’t know what PP’s actual plans for NL are though he does seem to enjoy not having people tell him what to do so he would likely want NL to stay pretty much the same).
Robin Hood should definitely have been under Cora’s bubble in the EF when the curse hit. Roland is 4 now and Belle was held captive for approximately 3 years (chalk marks on the cell wall) and the curse has been unfrozen for roughly a year and Marian was VERY pregnant when we saw her while Belle was still with Rumple.
As for whether he’ll fall in love with her, I’m inclined to think yes since the pixie dust is never wrong and it showed them as soulmates. It may just take awhile but it’ll help Regina continue to redeem herself. If nobody on this show could do that, they’d be looking forward to jail time, not trying to find a love interest, and it would likely only be Snowing that had a love life. So I think Robin Hood & Regina will eventually find happiness together (with adorable little Roland as Henry’s little step-brother!)
RG! These were serious questions and somebody might take your headcanon as proven! Tsk tsk! 😛 *gives cookies* As far as I know unless I missed something major, it has not yet been proven that Rumple and Peter Pan are brothers (though it is a lovely headcanon that I approve of).
Keeper of Hook's Trenchcoat.