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AH: We are in the age of Twitter, we do see the pitchforks.
EK: stay away, because it tends to not do the greatest things for my psyche. It’s hard to write a [story] with everyone commenting all the time. What happens is there are so many contradictory thoughts, that it ends up just making me cry. And so my wife has pulled me from the internet. No crying!
EK: At the end of the day, you hear certain things, you write this for the fans, but at the end of the day, you have to have a vision and stick to it, and if it fails and people hate it, you have to deal with it. Well, there’s also literally no way to make every single fan happy.
I really hate that Adam and Eddie get so much hate from ‘fans’ about stuff that happens on the show. I would love it if everyone sat back and instead of watching for your ‘ship first, watch for the story and see what happens. They addressed the hate three times in this interview. It makes me sad that they even have to do that because it’s their story and seriously, if you do not like, well, you do have the option of not watching instead of spreading hate.
Remember, without Adam and Eddie and without Once, we wouldn’t have this wonderful creative universe to play around in ourselves. So, can we cut them some slack and just enjoy without internet exploding with all the hate?!
EK: …What’s interesting is Regina just gave up her child for his best chance, the way that Snow did. So what’s interesting is we have a scene where they talk about it, and how they deal with it.
I’m glad that this will be addressed. I was hoping there would be a moment in 3B where Snow and Regina talk about this.