Reply To: Adam Answers Twitter Q’s! Home › Forums › Once Upon a Time › Season Three › General S3 spoilers › Adam Answers Twitter Q’s! › Reply To: Adam Answers Twitter Q’s! October 13, 2013 at 12:12 pm #215522 RumplesGirlKeymaster Some Adam Tweets @OUATitalianfan yes in more than just 307. Before 2nd half. — Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) October 13, 2013 @lilnuggetyo his land had no magic. Need to go to a land with magic. Neverland has magic like enchanted forest. — Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) October 13, 2013 @rapid_rar @lilnuggetyo it had magic but not same kind as EF or NL. The kind where hearts can be enchanted. — Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) October 13, 2013 [adrotate group="5"] "He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"