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I wholly and completely disagree.
When someone comes up with a theory I ask them to post it in a thread for all to read. We constantly bring up threads and post our thoughts and if someone has a thought but doesn’t want to post, I do it for them. I’ve started many threads with “so we were chatting in the chat tonight.” These forums are NEVER boring. We post every spoiler we find. And then discuss it to death, just like we always have. But sometimes the talk also takes places in the chat.
And most importantly, we’ve become a real community through that chat. Before, we would just talk in the forums and it was all ONCE all the time. Now we chit chat and we’ve really gotten to know each other. We’re all FRIENDS now not just forum posters. If Daniel got rid of this chat, I would be unbelievably upset as would the many regulars who talk here every single day for hours at a time.
I totally agree with RG on this we often post what we discuss in chat on the threads if they are related latter instead of posting a theory or an idea on a thread it is better for me to talk it out to see if I miss anything or if it is a good idea. I do post news articles from other sources to the forum as well but if you haven’t noticed most of the articles are the same thing changing a word here or there so is it really necessary to reply to something that you already replied to from another source on the same thing again? To be honest if someone writes a book in a post I just ignore it I like short discussions and to the point.
Yes, I admit the chat goes fast at times so what all you have to do is scroll up to read the past posting. If you don’t know what an abbreviation means just ask everyone is willing to explain or answer your question. I don’t worry about the spelling in chat and I do make a lot sorry for that but it isn’t a biggie for me as this is just an informal chat room not a professional one.
Another thing which is nice if you need help you have the chat box to get help, nothing like trying to post something and you have issues or trying to read someone’s else’s post because they didn’t view their post and the typing is a mess. Example quoting tweeter threads they don’t quote at all you get garbage.