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Anyone else notice when Regina jeered that Hook is Emma’s boyfriend? And Emma got all defensive and mama Snow shut that down saying Emma’s not over Neal? And now Neal is in NL! I’m so happy! I have hope.
I did love the way Snow said, “She just lost Neal,” like, “OMG woman, you know what it feels like to lose the person you love, and you’re seriously gonna say that to Emma right now?!”
Ok I just asked around and in next weeks promo we see Emma holding a coconut and looking up at the stars and saying Home in that really soft lovely voice. Imma just point out that Nealfire was holding a coconut in the final two pics from GG over the summer. And that Emma’s poster was all about finding her way home. And that the word for Phoenix in Greek also means palm tree. From which coconuts spring
And go.
I love all of this and just wanted to add that the final time Emma saw Neal back in the day…
Neal: Tallahassee, baby. We’re almost home.
(Neal exits the car with the bag.)
Emma: Home…
I’m back home on the west coast so a bit delayed. I can’t find the tweet now, but during the last #AskGinny, someone asked her what mythical creature she would most like to see on the show and her answer was the pheonix. Coincidence?
I heart Ginny and her tweets!
I think the Rumple in him is coming out. I think in some way it’s going to help Neal understand his papa.
Interesting point, and you could well be right. Spending time in his father’s castle, finding the walking stick with the notches on it, he’s already reflecting on who his father was, and is, and now he has an understanding of the total desperation to get to his son, which is what Rumple was feeling as well. Desperate souls do desperate things.
Hearing previews I was worried about Neal using a boy but ultimately I was ok with that, because of the following:
Mulan was there to approve it and as a neutral 3rd party full of honor, she wasn’t swayed by desperation or guilt over a debt unpaid
Robin (and Roland) are brave
Roland is only 4 and the shadow has to take you willingly. With Papa right there saying no, pretty sure Roland was as far from willing as you can get.
Neal knew the shadow could be attacked and had limited intelligence (good thing too or it would have slammed into walls to dump him off!).So basically Neal was not being evil and exploiting a little kid, but Robin and Roland were being brave to help him despite the carefully controlled risks.
Agreed with all of that.
Neal learned much about Pan and the Shadow during his time in NL, so he had the wits to take the Shadow on. Having Roland’s father right there was pretty good insurance that the kid wasn’t gonna be taken easily. If Roland has to go willingly, that’s not gonna happen with Robin right there. Also, they had Mulan and her magical sword that can defend against magical beings. It was absolutely a risky situation, but they worked together and took precautions to diminish the risk as much as possible.
PS. That horsedrawn Bug is hilarious!