As to the different timelines: Snowing absolutely is in all of them! That being said…the question was specifically about flashbacks and they said:
Yes! We’ll get more of the happy couple’s early days and we’ll also get to see more of Bandit Snow.
which is what I was going off of. So it sounds like we’ll get some of their early days when it’s relevant to what’s going on now, and we’ll also get Bandit Snow but that they don’t necessarily have to be in the same episode. At least that’s what I think based on the way it’s worded.
Hmm. Well like I said 310 is totally open and I suspect we need to have a Charming dilemma resolution before the end of the first half of this season. Plus, we were also supposed to learn more about David this half…310 could be a Charming centric
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"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"