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Blue Fairy sneaky, and particular in the case of Tinker Bell? Seriously?
Okay, I ignore for a moment the sad and pained look on Blue’s face when she said, she no longer believes in Tinker Bell, and when she left. Could have been just acting, or perhaps the pain to have to sacrifice Tink for the greater good, or Blue’s big scheme.
But let me ask a couple of questions:
It was convenient that the screw got loose when Regina angrily pounded the balustrade, and even more convenient that Tinker Bell was right around to stop Regina from hitting ground. Do you think that was
a) random
b) fate
c) the doing of Blue
d) Rumple’s work
e) Tinker doing a tiny bit of tinkering?
If you answer with c), then why should Blue have done that? To set up Tinker, to set up Regina, or maybe both? For what purpose, to frustrate both because Tinker failed and Regina couldn’t overcome her fear to let go? Because of some meticulous plan to reboost magic, or/and the believe in magic? Because she needed Tinker to go to Neverland and Regina to become all dark? Why not let Rumple do the dirty work (he was quite sure already very keen on turning Regina dark for his needs and on a good way to succeed, despite Regina being a tad hesitant that day)?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions… What were Tinkers intentions to help Regina? Pure selfless goodness? Was she just interested in Regina’s happiness, or as much in her very own happiness to be called a good fairy if successful? Was she acting out of truly felt hope and empathy for Regina or more based on hope for herself or both? Did she ask herself, if Regina was ready to meet her possible true new love, did she stay around to help if need be, or did she assume, some pixie dust and fate and love does the rest? Regina didn’t call for help when she was falling, not out loud at least, what gave Tinker Bell the right to interfere at all? Can one actually kinda push happiness onto someone?
I had the impression it was not the first time Tinker Bell seriously messed up (and not meaning being late home after curfew with that). It was her second chance already. Right, Blue could have given her another chance, and another one, and another one, but sometimes as a teacher you have to let your pupil hit ground (literally in this case). And when you lose trust and believe in someone, that is hard to overcome, even if it pains yourself.
“With great powers comes… a ton of weird crap that you are not prepared to deal with.” To quote here from another ABC show (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D). Instincts aren’t all bad and sometimes one has to take risk, but you have to be ready to take responsibility as well. Pixie and fairy dust are powerful tools. Blue might be at times overly rigid, but think she has good reason for it. Do you think Tinker Bell acted responsible here and just to get Regina away from darkness?
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