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Guys, do you think that A&E automatically assumed that everyone would love Neal? Because of Baelfire. I’m just wondering, I’ve seen some arguments indicating that.
If the CSF thread were still around, I would have loved to ask SF fans this question because I’ve always felt anyway, most SwanFire fans love Neal because he is Baelfire and Rumple’s son. I love Rumple too and I love Baelfire, he was a great kid but it’s often difficult for me to reconcile that sweet kid with the adult Neal because they feel like two different characters sometimes.
It is interesting while they were filming season 2 of Once, that Adam and Eddie were actually considering making Neal and Bae two different characters. I think that would have been interesting to see. I doubt many people would have liked Neal if he were a different person separate from Baelfire. That Neal would just be seen as that guy who screwed Emma over.
Tallahassee’s a great episode because we saw teenage Emma falling in love and then lost that love, and essentially, realize it was a very traumatic experience for her. I think even Jane Espenson said or one of the other lady writers said, that you’re supposed to root for Captain Swan after that episode. Not SwanFire.
But again, you can’t tell someone how to ‘ship a ‘ship. People are going to ‘ship whatever with whomever, even if it doesn’t make sense.