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Happy Valentine’s Day CS’ers!! I was actually busy late last night making Once themed Valentine’s Day cards in Photoshop and then before going to bed, I thought of more tacky, silly messages I could use. I love how we keep finding things to analyze about Hook’s love confession in Ariel. Here’s another one.
Here’s how I see it. IF Emma was in love with Neal than she would have no reason to look back at Killian before walking across the bridge in Echo Cave. She would have walked as fast as she could to Neal. She would have been so excited to see him. Emma would have never tried to use the sword on the cage. The first thing she would have done was confess her pain to be reunited with Neal. SHE DID NONE OF THAT! Emma looked back at Killian to see his face. She needed to see his reaction. He had just confessed his feelings for her and she was about to tell a secret that would free her from the emotions of her past relationship with Neal. Emma needed a bit of strength to move her forward. She needed to look at his face to remind her the reveal of her secret would lead to happiness. Happiness that was waiting on the other side of that bridge. All she needed to do was confront her past. Emma walking towards Neal is representation of her taking control of her pain and taking it head on. She walks into to scared but free. The confession may free Neal from the cage but her words free her from the burden she has felt all those years. Their hug was a good-bye hug of the past selves. That moment is the end of what was, is and would ever be. Emma set herself free. We didn’t see the walk back to Killian because we will see it now in 3B. We will witness first hand via the episodes and interaction Emma’s walk into happiness towards Killian. It will be a well paced and beautiful process. One that we get to see step by step. [x]
I honestly feel, when she looked back at Hook in that instant before walking over the bridge, is when Emma solidified her realization what she DID honestly want to move on from Neal- completely & that she wished he was dead, so she wouldnt have to the face the pain he caused her yet again.
I think as she looked back at Hook to gather her strength to face Neal, she realized what she felt when they kissed was ‘real/ true’ & he felt it too (due to his secret creating part of the bridge), that the feelings she had/has around him could also maybe GO somewhere/someplace happy, so in those moments in the cave, she came to the conclusion that she could truly move on & in fact letting go of that long past (& toxic for her) 1st love, is the best thing for her personally if she wants a shot at true happiness again.