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Okay, so there was only one good Captain Swan moment this week, bit confused because they DID recap their conversation from last week. But anyway. Some thoughts. Great episode!
So yeah, Regina sees that something is going on between them. Which is surprising, because you think that it would actually be Snow that would. And Regina actually seemed surprised that no one else was picking up on it. Also interesting to note that Emma didn’t fire back at her, which is good for us at this point. She merely did what ANYONE would have said when their secret crush was exposed before they were ready: denial denial denial. That’s how I saw it anyway.
Captain Swan were still very much a team in this episode, a recurring them in all the JR5 scenes is that Snowing are on one side, Regina in the middle and Captain Swan on the other side. Interesting, right? 😉
THE COCONUT SCENE my God the cuteness, they’re sitting together and he’s puncturing coconuts for her and they’re all comfortable with each other and he’s looking at her adoringly it was just soooo CUTE I needed more Captain Swan though like seriously, but we have been spoiled for the last two weeks. But seriously, body language, body language, body language. It’s so important. And also, there is a DEFINITE drinks pattern emerging here. It wasn’t rum, but it was a very conspicuous scene of them sharing a drink together. This scene also wasn’t necessary to the storyline at that time, and yet, we have a shot of them enjoying each others company. Significant.
So all in all, this week WAS actually good for us. Writers don’t use the term “boyfriend” when you don’t want those two people to be associated together. The director has continually reinforced our impression that they are a team and are getting us used to seeing them together. And the actors have reinforced our impression of this with close, comfortable body language.
MY GOD Neal annoyed the crap out of me in this episode. He wanted to use a four year old boy as bait for the worst villain ever? Seriously? And then proceeded to emotionally blackmail RH into using him? Really? And even though it’s done now, THAT BOY WAS SLEEPING UNDER THE WINDOW which does NOT bode well. There’s no way that’s the end of it. RH has to make it to NL somehow; that shadow is coming back for Roland and I cannot believe how unbelievably selfish it was for Neal to do that. Was this supposed to make me like him???? IF SO THEY’RE DOING IT WRONG. Using Roland to get to NL was the very DEFINITION of taking the easy way out, which we know Neal likes to do. Using Roland wasn’t even a last resort! He just saw the kid and then poof, did that, didn’t even ATTEMPT to find another way. Just ugh.
So yeah, we’re consistently seeing Neal making the wrong choices, taking the easy way out. There were other ways to get to NL, HARDER ways yes, but morally stronger ways. What did Snow say last season? “Let’s take the hard path”. Snow took the easy way out and her heart was blackened. Honestly? After Neal’s actions tonight I wouldn’t be surprised if his was. And it’s sooo sad. What happened to little Baelfire to turn him into this?
Also, HUGELY interesting to note, that they paralleled Mulan’s situation with Neal’s in 3×01 right? The fact of Mulan loving someone and only NOW going to tell them showed that it was not enough to make the relationship work. It was too LATE. Sensing a common theme here with this late business. Also interesting to note that the couple are a TL couple.
Thoughts on next weeks promo: Snow insisting that she couldn’t move on if Charming died. HMMMM. Interesting. NEVERMIND that she wouldn’t be able to “move on” while he was still alive and breathing. You feel me? 😉
Thoughts for “Nasty Habits”.
So yeah, from the promo you can see that Neal and Rumple have reunited finally. We just saw the awful risks Neal took to get to NL. We know magic has a price. There is no way Neal getting to NL won’t be without consequences. Anyway, Neal took the easy way out, much like his father does. and both Neal and Rumple have done it before. I don’t think that Neal and Rumple meeting up in an episode called “nasty habits” is a coincidence to be honest. We CSers have previously acknowledged the theory that Neal is going to go down a bad road, and has been paralleled to his father in a lot of ways. I don’t know about you, but this episode seems to have started that. I could be wrong. But it’s also interesting to note that 3×05 is the Killian Jones episode, which will provide a very interesting contrast to Nasty Habits. But we’ll see.
This episode was focussed heavily on Neal, and not in a good way. The way I see it, is that the big picture is that Neal is seeking redemption for his sins against Emma through darkness, whereas we have Captain Hook who is seeking redemption with Emma through goodness.
I have a feeling we were right on the money with all our theories guys. But I guess we’ll see.
Keeper of Captain Swan's first kiss