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Hm well as to the coconut, I somehow think it’s going to help them get home from NL, since Emma was holding a coconut in the 3×04 promo and looking up at the… pixie dust?… when she said “home”. Also MJR was holding a coconut, and he’s made it out of NL before, so SOMEHOW the coconut is important. Haha. Somehow the coconut helps them get out of NL, that’s my current theory lololol.
As to the Neal thing well, if Neal was still Bae, had Bae’s honour, integrity, innate morality, bravery, taking the path less trodden etc. I would be much more amenable to the idea of him being Emma’s TL. I would. But the fact is, adult Neal has made some selfish choices under the guise of being selfless. He’s literally fooling himself. He left Emma because he wanted to get her home, but the fact was, he ALSO wanted to avoid his father. He put Roland in danger to get to his family because he wanted to save them, never mind the fact that he was potentially going to ruin two lives because of it. I’m sure that being in NL for 300 years has permanently and psychologically scarred him.
Ugh, and the thing that kills me, JMo has tweeted that she would have kept Henry if she hadn’t been in jail. I’m literally so sad about that. It wasn’t necessary to send her to jail. I get that she will be able to forgive him, and I hope she does. But the fact is he made decisions for her that had HUGE consequences for her life. HUGE. I don’t know about you, but personally I would NEVER, ever, in a million years, trust that person not to break my heart again.
To me it’s fairly obvious that they’re setting up Captain Swan as endgame. They have paralleled them extensively with Snowing, while also giving them their own love story. Killian is being redeemed through his love for her. The structure, the dialogue, the filming choices, the characterisations, the body language, EVERYTHING, is a great neon sign pointing towards CS for me. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, and i’m being honest here, that CS is endgame.
The entire structure of season 2 would have been different if they were setting up SF. Time and again Neal has been referred to as an OBSTACLE to the CS ship, he was introduced as an obstacle in the first place, because he was the one who broke her ability to trust. JMo has recently tweeted that HOOK reminds her of NEAL i.e. she has to get past that before she can be with Killian. Neal has been paralleled extensively with his father, and there has been enough foreshadowing for me that I think Neal will be going down a dark path. Whether he does or not remains to be seen. JMo also gave an interview at NYCC that obisgirl touched on and these lines in it are VERY interesting:
Hook is the one who is helping her right now. Hook is the one who is present. He’s the one who’s sort of surprising her by following through on what he promises to do. And seems to be doing this very selflessly instead of selfishly. And so she’s definitely taken aback by how different he is than she expected.
Between the above quote and the fact that she said Hook reminds her of Neal, well, she’s obviously comparing the two (thanks again obisgirl!). It’s a Freudian slip – JMo is unconsciously giving us a comparison there. Basically that she expects Killian to do the wrong thing in every situation and is surprised when he doesn’t. Killian is following through on his promises whereas Neal didn’t. He’s acting selflessly instead of selfishly unlike Neal. And Emma is learning the difference between the two of them.
That’s where JMo’s mindset is at the moment. It seems like she doesn’t ship SF either.
Keeper of Captain Swan's first kiss