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Whoo, great discussions all around guys! Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I have been lurking on tumblr and sitting on the sidelines with all the amazing theories and points you all have been making here and on tumblr.
Without regurgitating everything said, I do agree with Nealfire being selfish in his seemingly selfless act of getting back to a woman he claims he still “loves” and his son. What bothered me was how Roland said “I believe” once and nothing happened initially, and Neal wanted him to say it again, as if it wasn’t risky enough to say it the first time. Doesn’t he know anything from the Darlings situation and how risky it is to fight with the shadow?
He had to make a deal as Baelfire for the shadow to let go of the little brother Darling, and now that he is a man, he has not leverage. He purely has his objectives and Mulan’s swordfighting skills. What if that didn’t work?
Captain Swan is a beautiful thing. I love the subtlety in this last episode. The glances said it all, especially when Hook gives Emma the coconut so lovingly. It was a very intimate moment, as Snowing were clearly snuggling and this was Hook’s way of courting Emma. He is courting with her so much, it is not even funny. Trying to get on his good graces with David, complimenting Emma, flirting with her, and Regina calling him her boyfriend.
I think it would be wonderful if Hook legitimately is instrumental in saving David’s life. He already knows (which I thought was a great throwback to his keen senses) that David got nicked by the dreamshade blade. He was so sorry that David had to go through that. I wonder who “her” was. Was he really referring to Snow or Emma?
I predict he will save David and they will be a brotp officially. They already are, now, they can say it to the world!
Also, who has money on the fact that Tink and Hook had a thing in NL? Looks say it all.
MM will come around to Hook’s intentions with Emma. He is a patient man and he will find creative and multiple ways of showing the entire Charming clan that his intentions are sincere and that he truly cares about Emma. He keeps surprising Emma in a good way, and she will have to give in a little bit eventually.
Neal being the mix will definitely add a wrench to the whole ship, or just make it stronger. I think Hook will show Neal how he should have loved Emma the first time around. I also want to see some Henry/Hook interaction.
That’s all for now!
Keeper of: Hook's eyebrow action, Emma's eye-rolls, David's sarcasm, Snow's "She's kind of out of town" to Tiny, and Rumple's "Not telling."