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I want Hook to pay for what he has done, Rumple has paid his price and so has Regina. Rumple sacrificed himself to save everyone and Regina had to give up Henry. Hook hasn’t paid a price for his misdeeds yet.
I don’t think Rumple or Regina have truly paid for what they’ve done. Rumple did what he did to save Bae. That doesn’t make it up to anyone else he hurt/killed. Same for Reginn a, except she iDVD it for Henry not Bae.
Hook did what he did in the name of revenge. That doesn’t make it up to Belle who he shot and made her lose her identity, it doesn’t make it up to Bae who he gave up to Pan and the Lost boys. Hook has done a load of crap that he hasn’t even began to pay for yet.
sweetgrass Regina & Rumple both paid very steep prices Rumple’s price was sacrificing his own life to kill Pan/Malcolm in order to not only save Belle & Neal but also Henry, Emma, The Charmings & Regina whom he considers family because their connection to his Grandson Henry but he also trying to save everyone in Storybrooke from Pan’s Curse just as Regina was only difference is it cost him is life but it showed Neal, Belle, Regina, Emma, Henry, The Charmings, Hook, the dwarves, Granny, etc that he was really remorseful and he had really changed and that he had made peace with his fate by making the decision to do this. It was really a huge character growth for Rumple, all the way around.
Regina also paid a steep price by giving up Henry in order to destroy the scroll the curse was cast on originally so that she could stop Pan’s new curse and unfortunately Not only did she pay the price to break her own curse but Emma, Henry, Neal, Snow, David, also paid it with her because once again Emma & Henry were separated from the Charmings, Neal and vice versa. The only difference is Emma & Henry are without their memories of Storybrooke, Neverland, Magic or her parents and Neal coming back into their lives. But on the other hand Everyone continued to also pay Regina’s steep price by getting sent back home to the Enchanted Forest.
Hook has yet to show anytype of remorse for the wrongs he has done to Neal in the past 1.(Destroying Bae’s family by seducing Milah away from Rumple and abandoning BaelFire.) 2. ( Manipulating Bae into trusting him so that he would tell him about the only way to kill Rumple and then leaving a drawing of Milah out for Bae to see and telling the boy that Rumple killed his mother then handing young Bae over to Felix & the Lost Boys in Neverland so that they could in turn hand him over to Pan) (Not to mention his latest in that very long line of wrongs he’s done to Neal by trying to wanting Emma and basically repeating history all over again only this time Neal is Rumple’s shoes and Henry is in Neal’s shoes) Hook hasn’t done a thing to apologize to Neal for any of that or show any remorse for his actions. Not to mention he has never apologized to Belle for shooting her and trying to kill her inorder to hurt Rumple or get to Rumple. He never once apologized to Emma for leaving her & Snow, Mulan, Auroa locked in Rumple’s cell he never apologized for taking Aurora’s heart nor did he ever apologize to Regina for the handing her over to GOAT and leaving her with them to be tortured by electric shock at their hands as well as the whole tricking her into putting on that cuff that blocks magic.
Hook is the only one out of the three that has not showed any type of remorse or given any type of an apology to those he has wronged and he hast yet to pay the price for his actions and I personally hope we him do that by giving the ultimate sacrifice of his life to save Neal, Henry and Emma from either the WWW or Blackbeard. Either way I can see him making that grand gesture to Neal showing him he’s changed and wants to do right by him for the first time ever by saving Neal’s life and letting him be happy with Emma & Henry