<meta property="og:description" content="This is not exactly an analysis of the character, but since the thread where this would belong doesn't exist yet, here it is, Emilie de Ravin tweeted this recently:@robertcarlyle_ OUAT finale.. Well can't say anything, of course ;) but I'm really excited!!!@ginnygoodwin me thinks the OUAT finale will be AWESOME :))) luv ya xSeems like we might see her in the finale! <meta name="twitter:description" content="This is not exactly an analysis of the character, but since the thread where this would belong doesn't exist yet, here it is, Emilie de Ravin tweeted this recently:@robertcarlyle_ OUAT finale.. Well can't say anything, of course ;) but I'm really excited!!!@ginnygoodwin me thinks the OUAT finale will be AWESOME :))) luv ya xSeems like we might see her in the finale! Belle - Once Upon a Time podcast forums