ONCE - Once Upon a Time podcast
Reviews, theories, and talk about ABC's Once Upon a Time TV show
I’m so angry. I loved Robert C’s acting- but I wish that Rumple stayed dead. Rumple has killed more than anyone could ever know. Regina has slaughtered thousands. Hook is a pirate, who kills and steals- cheats and lies. And still there is hope for them. But there isn’t hope for the abandoned boy who only ever asked for a family. For the boy who constantly sacrifices his own interests for the interests of others. I thought this show was about second chances- and that Neal would get a second chance at a real family. But no- Neal gets to die, and Rumple gets to live. And the murderers, liars, thieves- they all get to be with families, they all get love and a happy ending.
That episode COMPLETELY destroyed my hope in OUAT. Isn’t hope what the show is supposed to be about? I have no more. No more faith in the writers- none. I’m sorry…but I just won’t ever forgive that death. I hope the writers feel the gravity of their horrible decision with the loss of many viewers- sorry again, but I feel like that.
I thought something Emma Rigby said in an interview was interesting…”We’ll find out more about why she wants Cyrus dead, why she is jealous of Alice…”
Maybe the RQ had feelings for Cyrus at some point, but he didnt love her? Or…I dont know where im going with this..