ONCE - Once Upon a Time podcast
Reviews, theories, and talk about ABC's Once Upon a Time TV show
i also think with out a doubt its Snow Mother
well let me just throw this out there . dream sequence , and Smee is now part of the plan Playing Charming. but on another note Regina stated that she flet Cora was just as powerful as rumple. so maybe she is powerful enough to trick a true loves kiss
or somehow Regina falls into the portal and Cora takes to being Regina. (i hope not)…. arghh so many possibilities
after lastnights episode i have no doubt this is all about Sleeping Beauty, Now that Cora has her heart and controls her ,can she can control her in the neitherworld also? Which feeds the imposter theory if she can do that Henry or Charming would have no way of immediatly finding out that Cora is Snow etc. things could go very dark esp, if Faux Snow has to kiss Charming to wake him. Would some of Coras rotten soul corrupt him? I do like the teaming of Rumple and Regina (the bbqphoto forshadowed this with him holding a GOLED QUEEN chess piece) one thing i have noticed there hasnt been much of the Charming family on set since those photos surfaced but there has been alot of Regia,Hook ,Cora , Rumple Etc. so where is Emma and Snow?
thanks, on another note he could show up at the very end just like August did.. 😯
thaks found it, also maybe this guy is just a PI Belle hires to help Rumple find Bae… (to many thoughts)
when was this confirmed to be Belle centric?
where has that been confirmed???
by far way too much stuff on wikipedia with this same title… 😯
but, Regina named him Henry. so I dont see how that adds. I wonder if he used the “please” clause to make Regina adopt Henry and if he did how did he know it was Emma’s baby? It could not have been via August Gold would have reconized him when he came back, unless it was via postcard 😉 maybe this Barret character arranged it ?/???? maybe thats how he fits in with everything? idk…… 😡