ONCE - Once Upon a Time podcast
Reviews, theories, and talk about ABC's Once Upon a Time TV show
Yeah, which is why I said I refuse to show her anything past 311… and will probably only go til 222 and then show her the clip of Rumple and Neal hugging on the boat…I will make her promise to me she will never watch past it! lol
What if she really, really wants to see the episodes past 311?
We will meet again, in another life...
I hope they don’t demonize Neal or something in the next seasons.
We will meet again, in another life...
At this point, I hope Neal at least gets a cameo in the series finale…
We will meet again, in another life...
Hopefully the writers will do a better job next season or they would lose these fans permanently.
We will meet again, in another life...
Here is a nice fanfiction:
A Final Ending: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10234122/1/A-Final-Ending
Also don’tstopbelievin why don’t you post that on fanfiction.net? I am pretty there will be more viewers there and you can always get a beta reader to look it over.
We will meet again, in another life...
I think the only other logical thing they can do with Neal/Baelfire if they aren’t able to get MJR back is to have Neal reincarnate without his memories and pretty much “start over”.
We will meet again, in another life...
Um RG, you have repeated that post twice.
We will meet again, in another life...
Everyone should brace themselves just in case.
We will meet again, in another life...
If everything turns out bad, at least we have each other!
We will meet again, in another life...
If this is consider bad, imagine what would happened if Hook was the one who died as he apparently has a bigger fanbase.
We will meet again, in another life...