ONCE - Once Upon a Time podcast
Reviews, theories, and talk about ABC's Once Upon a Time TV show
*Facepalmed.* Seriously guys! We shouldn’t got to war with CS shippers as that makes us look like we can’t admit defeat, whiny and the bad guys.
We will meet again, in another life...
I never tasted lobstar before, what does it taste like?
We will meet again, in another life...
I really wish the writers will already step their game up if they want to make CS work and believable.
We will meet again, in another life...
Also I will dread the day if Hook and Emma do hook up. The more annoying CS shippers will be running around cheering the success and rubbing their victory on SF, SQ and other shippers associated with Emma and Hook faces and saying stuff like “AHAH, we won!” and “I told you so!” and “Emma and Hook are true love” and stuff.
We will meet again, in another life...
Speaking of the writers, why are they spamming all these little hints and references to Neal/Baelfire after his death? Is it unintentional and they are doing it without realizing it, are they supposed to be tributes to him, are they hinting that they are going to bring him back in some form or they are doing it to torture and rub it in our face that Neal is dead? I mean seriously A&E what the heck are you doing?!?
We will meet again, in another life...
Like I keep saying before, why do the writers think its okay for Hook to win Neal’s mother AND Neal’s love?!? AARRGH! That is one small detail that makes is still making me unhappy about the couple.
We will meet again, in another life...
Well I know what side they are on that’s for sure.
We will meet again, in another life...
I think the best way to get Neal back in some form without using MJR (if he doesn’t want to come back or something) is having him reincarnate in a new form or something.
We will meet again, in another life...
You know some of the “how Neal will be resurrected/come back” ideas will be interesting fanfiction. If I was a better writer I would have wrote some based on those ideas -_-.
We will meet again, in another life...
Yep, I think some of the people here are losing their minds…
We will meet again, in another life...