ONCE - Once Upon a Time podcast
Reviews, theories, and talk about ABC's Once Upon a Time TV show
In one of the Peter Pan stories hook was in love with pans mother till she died then he became a father figure to Peter and took him to neverland. But they had a falling out and became bitter rivals so I am sure that is where they are taking this. I believe hook knew exactly who bae was the whole time but bae didn’t know who hook was (his mothers lover). And that is why hook stated at some point that bae didn’t want to be found.
Snow using the candle over Cora’s heart to save Gold is the best guess. Gold would lose his powers since Cora stabs him with the dagger and he would lose his powers (his undoing) but it happened in the war for Henry and that is how Henry is to blame.
I wonder if Emma and Regina will have the revelation that they are virtually the same person. Both of them had their lives determined for them ( Regina by Cora and Emma by Rumple) and they both only truely care about protecting Henry and doing what is best for him. Maybe that will finally be when Regina tries to fully redeem herself after her mother is dead and can’t control her anymore.
So is it possible that David is the one who dies since he clearly gets thrown like a rag doll and Snow uses the candle over Cora’s heart to bring him back and that’s why he is getting up when he says “what did you do?”
The fact that the hint again at nealfire being pan again with him saying he knows how to captain a pirate ship. That to me is almost a give away with all the other evidence such as knowing he was in neverland and his father hiding his dagger in a clock tower that is stuck at 8:15. Too much evidence.