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Hi Penny. Welcome! I also wondered if maybe AWB was making a copy of the book and trying make the pages look older while changing the book a bit. What I wasn’t sure about was the whole part at the well where he talked about how drinking the water would return to the drinker something that was lost. I wondered if that was just thrown in there though to make the viewers assume he was talking about the book when he was really referring to something else (her parents??). Also, my original thoughts about him making a copy of the book and/or changing the pages and/or adding pages has been altered a bit after I watched the episode a second time because AWB told Emma “One thing I never do is lie.” This also made me again wonder if AWB is Pinnochio. Originally I wondered if Emma was found by the side of road by Pinnocio who came through the wardrobe with her in his wooden puppet form but the picture of her file with the newspaper clipping saying she had been found by a “local boy” shot that theory to pieces. But AWB’s comment about never lying does again make me wonder if he is Pinnochio. But, who knows, the way the writers try to tease it might just be them trying to get us to THINK he’s Pinnochio.
[adrotate group="5"]rumplegoldfankristiParticipantThank you so much Mia. Now I will be ready the next time Mr. Rumple has a Q/A session!! Can’t wait!!
rumplegoldfankristiParticipantThe unicorn association with Emma also reminded me of when Lord Voldemort killed a unicorrn in the Forbidden Forest in Harry Potter. Hagrid said that it was a horrible thing to kill a unicorn because it was such a pure and beautiful creature and that whoever killed a unicorn and drank it’s blood would lived a cursed life. I think he says that only someone who has nothing to lose and everything to gain would ever consider killing such a pure creature. That was the part that reminded me of Regina/EQ. Since she doesn’t seem to have much of a life and they keep hinting that the person she loved is dead – she seems to be someone who has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Hence she would be the one person would have something to gain by killing Emma/unicorn.
rumplegoldfankristiParticipantI think Mr. Gold is keeping the dagger very safely hidden as I’m guessing he sees it as a sadly dangerous and powerful object since only he REALLY knows the ramifications of the dagger’s curse. I think he views it as an “I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy” kind of an object, knowing that Regina would probably “think” she would want to get her hands on it – just like he did. I think he wants to protect the dagger from other people and other people from the dagger, if that makes sense. So I don’t think Regina knows about the dagger. I do think at some point the dagger is going to come into play as part of breaking the curse and I think that it is going to involve Mr. Gold sacrificing himself.
rumplegoldfankristiParticipantI love the idea of Wonderland being the real world!! That would make total sense (in a OUaT sense of the word). If a character no longer exists in FTL or Storybrooke then they disappear and end up wandering around in Wonderland = the real world.
Do you ever wonder if the creators and actors from OUaT read these forums and just laugh???? I can see them all sitting together in a bar somewhere having a few drinks, reading our crazy theories . . .
rumplegoldfankristiParticipantWhat I thought was interesting in the What Happened to Frederick episode was how bothered Regina was by the fact that Kathryn was clearly beginning to think for herself and was separating from the “character” that had been created for her in Storybrooke. She was basically becoming her own person who wasn’t associated with David in anyway and therefore, was no longer a “character” in Storybrooke.
Although David has brief moments when he is tempted to step out of his character’s Storybrooke box and go after Mary Maragaret, he always finds a way to screw everything up and ruin the moment. With Kathryn, this is the first time we have seen a character stray from they way their FTL character should end up, and/or stray from the way Regina would want their Storybrooke character to end up. To have her FTL happy ending, Kathryn should have found Frederick’s equivalent in Storybrooke and wanted to be with him but she was too busy to even notice him when she bumped into him at the school. Instead she decided to be her own person and move to Boston to go to law school and start over with a fresh new life.
It seems like either Regina had to do away with Kathryn because she had broken out of her Storybrooke life or, once a character deviates from both their Storybrooke character and their FTL character, something goes horribly wrong with their existance. I never really thought about the fact that the characters could have the ability to make their own choices in Storybrooke and choose to NOT be with their FTL significant others. Since they ARE truly Fairy Tale characters, making decisions that go totally against both their Fairy Tale story and the Curse could cause them to be in a kind of limbo. Because then who would they really be? Take Kathryn for example. If she isn’t Abigail anymore and she isn’t David’s wife in Storybrooke (whose sole purpose is to keep him away from Mary Margaret), then who is she??? I don’t think she can leave Storybrooke, but assuming she could, – who would she be, what would her background be? She has existed in the vacuum of Storybrooke for years until Emma arrived – so would she even be able to exist outside of Storybrooke???
So this makes me wonder if we will ever find out what happened to Kathryn. Maybe she really just disappeared because she made a decision that caused her Storybrooke “character” to no longer exist.
rumplegoldfankristiParticipantRight, Henry. Yikes!!! I’m confusing even myself now!!
rumplegoldfankristiParticipantI agree – his character is all over the place (which is exactly why he is my favorite character. And why Robert Carlyle should just be handed an Emmy – I’ve never seen one actor play so many different aspects of one charater on one show before. He amazes me!!).
There’s obviously a lot to him – both as Rumple and as Mr. Gold, and there has got to be some kind of serious connection between Rumple and EQ in FTL. I don’t think I buy that they were once married (at least I don’t WANT to buy that story – it greatly disturbs me for some reason) but I do think that for some reason there was some kind of bond between the two of them. Maybe Rumple felt like the EQ became evil in somewhat the same way that he did – not really wanting to be evil but because she was trying to protect someone she loved. So maybe he thought he was helping her out by giving her a terrible curse thinking that she was going to somehow use it for good (the way he originally thought he would use the Dark One’s power for good) only to realize too late that she was truly evil to the core. At that point it became a power struggle between the two and when he recognized that she was powerful enough on her own to eventually figure out how to finalize the curse he realized the only way to stop her was to find a way to break the curse.
Someone said before that Rumple never uses his power for evil – he just gives people what they want in exchange for more power or sometimes, in exchange for things that really don’t make sense (like babies). But Regina does use her power for evil – she kills people, or does things to cause them great pain and suffering (physical or emotional). I think that Rumple has a problem with this.
rumplegoldfankristiParticipantI think it’s interesting that Mr. Gold knew that Emma was in the foster care system. As far as I could tell the only person Emma told about her early childhood was Henry. She told him that her parents abandoned her on the side of the freeway and that she spent three years with a foster family who gave her up when they were able to have kids of their own and then she was put into the system. I’m assuming that Regina was able to get that information when she got the details on Emma’s background but it doesn’t explain how Mr. Gold would know anything about Emma’s childhood. In the Cinderella episode, when he asks Emma to help him find Ashley so he doesn’t have to have Ashley arrested and the baby put in the system he tells Emma that he knows she wouldn’t want that for the baby since she knows what the system was like since she spent time in foster care. Back in FTL all Rumple seemed to know was that Snow and PC’s daughter’s name was Emma and that on her 28th birthday she would return to be the savior who would break the curse. But for all Mr. Gold knows she could have been found as an infant and immediately adopted by parents. It seems to me that Mr. Gold had somehow been keeping tabs on Emma throughout her life and that he was very aware of exactly who Henry was when he brought him to Regina. Whether he was able to predict what Emma’s life was going to be like or whether he was actually able to follow her life outside of Storybrooke either himself or with the help of someone else (his son, AWB??) I don’t know. So did Mr. Gold actually bring Emma to Regina or did someone else bring Emma into Storybrooke to Mr. Gold who then gave him to Regina??
rumplegoldfankristiParticipantHello Princess. Love your name and love that they made Emma’s character so NOT the typical princess type even though she really IS a princess!!. I was also very bummed that they killed Graham off (even my husband was totally shocked and couldn’t believe it!!). So hoping they find some way to bring him back.