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I seriously JUST got back from work and was going to check if anyone else had this theory. haha. My iPod died, and since I was without music or podcasts for several hours while performing manual labour, my mind went to Once Upon a Time theories. haha. I was thinking how Bae could possibly stay young enough to meet back up with Rumple, and I went through basically all the examples in mythology I could think of that involve time-warping… Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, etc. etc. I couldn’t think of any good way that would keep Bae young(ish) without completely messing up Emma and Mary Margaret now that they’re stuck in FTL. I mean, we don’t really want them coming back as centenarians and only a few months having passed in Storybrooke. xD
I never even saw this thread, but I definitely agree that Neverland seems like the only valid option. When I was thinking, I wasn’t sure if they’d make Bae himself Peter Pan, or maybe have him as one of the lost boys interacting with Peter, but I definitely think they’ll make use of him in Neverland. Either way, it would be cool. Bae as Peter is an awesome thought, but I also like the idea of him being able to interact with Peter too, because I think it’d be fun to see him with a friend, kind of. Although it would also make sense because although Peter had a band of followers/dependents, he kind of always was a bit of a loner, and that would fit Bae okay because I imagine being abandoned by your kind-of-evil father would give a guy a complex. I think he could use some alone time to figure that one out. xD
Random crackpot theory: I think it would be neat if Peter Pan was like 007 or the Dread Pirate Roberts from Princess Bride in that he’s actually a series of boys filling that role, rather than just one. That way he could meet Peter Pan and maybe be led to Neverland by him, bu then also eventually BE Peter Pan. xD I don’t think this will actually be the case, but it’d be cool. I think it would be fun for him to have someone to kind of lead him around and teach him the ropes. And in my mind, he winds up in this kind of world-between-worlds, maybe like the door-world in Jefferson’s hat, and he’s confused and dazed and crying. And then Peter comes along and looks at him and says, in a really condescending kind of voice, “Why are you crying?” And tada. BFFS.
Another crackpot theory: I think it would be really neat if Wendy and Bae liked each other, and he had the opportunity to go back to earth with her and have a family again/be in love with her/whatever the motivation is, but he doesn’t accept because he knows if he goes to earth he won’t be able to find his father. I think that would be extremely heartfelt because Rumple isn’t even willing to give up his power for Bae, but Bae is willing to give up a life/love/whatever for his dad. D’awww.