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This episode was a bit meh for me so there isn’t really much that stands out. At least it’s better than Heart of Gold.
The RumBelle portion- I liked that Rumple’s focus this episode seemed to be on getting Belle’s heart back rather than any other scheme. I liked that he and Will worked together for the good of Belle. I liked that Rumple put what he believes to be Belle’s happiness before his own which in turn gives me hope for a RumBelle reunion.
Lily- Agnes seems alright in the role and the flashbacks were well acted from the two young actresses. Slightly confused on young Emma and Lily’s ages. Emma’s only 16, is Lily older? Also this flashback takes place not long before Emma meets Neal.
Regina being the “good cop” to Emma’s “bad cop”- It kind of bugged in the way that being a full blown hero doesn’t suit Regina but the writers are trying to shoehorn her into that role whereas anti-hero would be more fitting. Then when Regina does something less than stellar, it’s not acknowledged as such, it’s just swept under the rug because Regina’s a hero now.
Regina’s line “I’ve just lost my leverage over Gold”- This line really bugged me because of the Belle factor. Belle is a person, an actual living, breathing, feeling person….and Regina trivialises what she actually did (stealing Belle’s heart) by reducing Belle to nothing more than “leverage”. It’s belittling to Belle. Regina acknowledges everyone else, including those she has negative history with (Rumple, Snowing, Emma, Hook), around her as people (even if she doesn’t like them) but Belle is just “leverage”. It’s almost as if Regina is singling Belle out and dare I say it, Regina’s behaviour and attitude towards Belle has shades of bullying.
Lily just taking the girl- It’s abduction! Where were the girl’s parent(s)? What if they turned up ready to collect their child whilst Lily was walking her around the block? Considering there may be children watching this, it sort of sends a bad message “Just go with the stranger who you may have seen around because they offer you free food”. It’s also a parents worse fear to have your child go missing no matter how short a time.
Zelena being pregnant- I correctly guessed this would happen so yay for that but it is so obviously just another obstacle for OQ and the implications for how it came about are rather unsavoury. At best Zelena took advantage of Robin, at worst it’s rape, but no doubt that will be skimmed over.
Robin- Robin is a bit of a plank to put it politely, a very frustrating plank. The supposed love of his life, who he cheated on his “wife” with, who did all she could to keep “Marian” alive in 4A, shows up to warn him that “Marian” was really Zelena, and he accuses her of being jealous and trying to split him and Marian up? Robin, mate, if Regina wanted to split you and Marian up, she only needed to let her die in 4A, she wouldn’t have encouraged you to be with your wife whilst you kept pursuing her despite her protests. You’ve flip flopped more times than a fish out of water and continuously hide behind your “code of honour” which you only abide by when it suits you. You finally get the chance to be with Regina guilt-free but once again you’re using your code as an excuse not to be with her. Man up and grow a pair!
All magic comes with a price!
Keeper of Felix