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When One Story Ends…Another One Begins
1) What was your favorite episode of S6B?
Favorite S6B Episode: 6×14, Page 23
My favorite episode of S6B has got to be 6×14….Lana’s performance was so powerful and the message it sent out of loving and accepting yourself, the good, the bad, and the ugly was wonderful!
Runner Up: Song In Our Heart
I enjoyed this episode! Sure, it was cheesy, but the cast clearly had a blast making this episode and it showed in their performances.
2) What was your least favorite episode of S6B?
Least Favorite: 6×17, Awake
The retcon of retcons lie in this episode!!! It was neat in some spots, but all over the place in others. And don’t even get me started on the “evil detecting” flower, which is as magical McGuffin as you can get.
Runner Up: Murder Most Foul
3) There were many plot threads throughout all of S6B but which was your favorite?
No matter how often he screwed up, I think my favorite plot thread was Rumple trying to do right by Gideon. Bobby really was spectacular this season, and it was nice to see him playing opposite a “son” figure again. However it also ties with the Evil Queen & Regina arc, which was still really well done and marvelously performed by Lana. And yes, I still believe they should have been merged back together.
4) What were your favorite and least favorite moments?
Favorite Moment:
I think my all time favorite moment from this season half, had to be in the season finale when the Dwarves bowed and gifted Regina with her office, and placed the word “Queen” instead of “Mayor” on it. I felt that this was 100% full circle with Regina, that she and everyone else have finally put the “Evil Queen” in their past, and just see Regina now as simply “The Queen”. This finalized redemption was my favorite moment, probably of the entire season.
Least Favorite:
My least favorite scene….I think I’m too sleepy to think of a scene that I absolutely hated this last season half, so I’m just going to say any scene that had a retcon.
5) Should this have been the end of the series?
I whole-heartidly believe this should have been the series finale. That ending montage showing everyone’s happy ending, and finally seeing what I presumed to be was the “CharMillsStilskin Thanksgiving” dinner with the entire family enjoying their happily ever after together…that would have been a perfect ending.
6) What would you like to see in S7?
To be honest….I wouldn’t mind seeing the new generation. I know Regina, Hook, & Rumple are coming back….but I’d love to see Adult Henry teaming up with teenage/young adult versions of Prince Neal, Robyn Mills, & Gideon as well. I take it Henry’s around 28 in the flash forward, so it could work.
7) Final grade and thoughts on S6B?
In the beginning, it was definetly a little rocky as far as pacing and storylines go, however I think they managed to at least find a smooth enough groove to move the story along without making it even more confusing or retconny. Kudos to the actors and actresses, who gave their all with the material they had, and were incredible. I’ve really no clue where we’re going in Season 7, but I know Bobby & Lana wouldn’t have signed on if it’s going to be absolutely terrible….so with them on board, I’m pessimistic, but hopeful that it’s at least entertaining! Remember guys, always lower your expectations with OUAT, it will save you a lot of heartache and headaches! Onward and forward now I guess we’re moving…onto the next chapter of this story.
Season 6B Grade: B-
Overall Season 6 Grade: B
"If you go as far as you can see...you will then see enough to go even further." - Finn Balor