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- This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by
May 14, 2017 at 10:31 pm #338605
KeymasterWell, well, well. Here we are again, eh? Another arc down and done. And this one surely felt as final as they come. Y’all know the drill: how did S6B stack up against all the rest? Answer the questions!
1) What was your favorite episode of S6B?
2) What was your least favorite episode of S6B?
3) There were many plot threads throughout all of S6B but which was your favorite?
4) What were your favorite and least favorite moments?
5) Should this have been the end of the series?
6) What would you like to see in S7?
7) Final grade and thoughts on S6B?
[adrotate group="5"]"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"May 14, 2017 at 10:49 pm #338611RumplesGirl
Keymaster1) What was your favorite episode of S6B?
6×20 “The Song In Your Heart;”
I know it’s weird for me to say that since it’s the CS wedding episode, but I really did like invigorated and fresh feel. The songs were catchy, the plot was nonsense but at least it was entertaining. OUAT can do campy well.
Runner up: 6×19 “The Black Fairy”
2) What was your least favorite episode of S6B?
6×17 “Awake;”
All the horrible retcons that basically blew the premise of the show out of the water! The writers should be ashamed of themselves for going against everything that was core to this series. Snow and Charming woke up without Emma and Henry’s TLK because of a flower? Nope nope nope. I hated every single thing about that episode.
Runner up: 6×15 “A Wonderous Place”
3) There were many plot threads throughout all of S6B but which was your favorite?
I don’t really know. I liked pieces of Gideon’s plot; I enjoyed pieces of Emma’s (when it wasn’t all about Hook); and I liked parts of Regina’s. That’s the problem, though. Nothing stands out as clearly as, say, Emma trying to find Rumple’s son in S2. Everything is just okay in small chunks.
4) What were your favorite and least favorite moments?
Two of my favorite moments were Emma moments. 1) “Emma’s Theme” in the musical was really powerful and 2) Emma telling Henry, in the finale, that she wants to be the person who does believe. Both of those moments are really key to Emma’s character and I enjoyed both.
Least favorite? Too many to list! Any time there was a new plot device that was equally eye-roll worthy and head-desk worthy.
5) Should this have been the end of the series?
Having seen the finale, yes absolutely. Cut everything with Lucy and Henry and it’s a good ending to the series.
6) What would you like to see in S7?
A note from ABC that they changed their mind and OUAT ended with S6!
7) Final grade and thoughts on S6B?
It’s really hard to grade this arc since so the first several episodes were devoted to wrapping up last arc’s dangling threads: Charming’s father, the Evil Queen, Aladdin and Jasmine. The real story of 6B, Gideon and the Black Fairy, didn’t get properly off the ground until episode 16 so, in effect, we only had four episodes of Black Fairy plot before the big musical episode and then the finale. That’s simply not enough time to build a believable and coherent plot. Jamie Murray did good work as the Black Fairy, as did Giles Matthey with Gideon, but when you look back at the more well rounded villains, like Cora, the one thing the Black Fairy and Gideon didn’t have was time. It’s that haphazard approach I keep bringing up; if the Black Fairy is supposed to be the biggest and baddest evil in this universe, then she needed to built, explored, and fleshed out in more than just two flashbacks. I’m still not sure what her motivation for anything was; just because she’s “evil” and Emma’s good? How vague and asinine is that! Her reasoning can’t even be rooted in her son, Rumple, because she severed him from his Savior destiny when he was only a few weeks old. On top of a frustrating villain, the magical MacGuffins really ran amok this time around. Every single week there was a new one, each more eye-roll worthy than the last, the worst being the True Love Flower that awoke Snow and Charming in the middle of the original Cursed years, retconning a large portion of not just season one but the entire premise of the show. I have my typical complaints about out of character and anti-feminist moments from the likes of Emma (who really took a turn toward the horrifying with each new terrible outfit and overly clingy moment); some squicky moments from Belle who goes back and forth in terms of attitude about her husband more than any sane (or well written) woman should. This isn’t to say that there weren’t some good pieces here and there, though. The musical does stand out as a big shake up and invigorated the show, if only for an hour. The actors are mostly still hitting it out of the park, especially Robert Carlyle as Rumple in any scene he had with Gideon. It was also nice to see a lot of returning characters, probably for the last time, like Archie, the dwarves, Tink, Malcolm, August and Gepetto
Grade: C
"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"May 15, 2017 at 1:10 am #338631WickedRegal
ParticipantWhen One Story Ends…Another One Begins
1) What was your favorite episode of S6B?
Favorite S6B Episode: 6×14, Page 23
My favorite episode of S6B has got to be 6×14….Lana’s performance was so powerful and the message it sent out of loving and accepting yourself, the good, the bad, and the ugly was wonderful!
Runner Up: Song In Our Heart
I enjoyed this episode! Sure, it was cheesy, but the cast clearly had a blast making this episode and it showed in their performances.
2) What was your least favorite episode of S6B?
Least Favorite: 6×17, Awake
The retcon of retcons lie in this episode!!! It was neat in some spots, but all over the place in others. And don’t even get me started on the “evil detecting” flower, which is as magical McGuffin as you can get.
Runner Up: Murder Most Foul
3) There were many plot threads throughout all of S6B but which was your favorite?
No matter how often he screwed up, I think my favorite plot thread was Rumple trying to do right by Gideon. Bobby really was spectacular this season, and it was nice to see him playing opposite a “son” figure again. However it also ties with the Evil Queen & Regina arc, which was still really well done and marvelously performed by Lana. And yes, I still believe they should have been merged back together.
4) What were your favorite and least favorite moments?
Favorite Moment:
I think my all time favorite moment from this season half, had to be in the season finale when the Dwarves bowed and gifted Regina with her office, and placed the word “Queen” instead of “Mayor” on it. I felt that this was 100% full circle with Regina, that she and everyone else have finally put the “Evil Queen” in their past, and just see Regina now as simply “The Queen”. This finalized redemption was my favorite moment, probably of the entire season.
Least Favorite:
My least favorite scene….I think I’m too sleepy to think of a scene that I absolutely hated this last season half, so I’m just going to say any scene that had a retcon.
5) Should this have been the end of the series?
I whole-heartidly believe this should have been the series finale. That ending montage showing everyone’s happy ending, and finally seeing what I presumed to be was the “CharMillsStilskin Thanksgiving” dinner with the entire family enjoying their happily ever after together…that would have been a perfect ending.
6) What would you like to see in S7?
To be honest….I wouldn’t mind seeing the new generation. I know Regina, Hook, & Rumple are coming back….but I’d love to see Adult Henry teaming up with teenage/young adult versions of Prince Neal, Robyn Mills, & Gideon as well. I take it Henry’s around 28 in the flash forward, so it could work.
7) Final grade and thoughts on S6B?
In the beginning, it was definetly a little rocky as far as pacing and storylines go, however I think they managed to at least find a smooth enough groove to move the story along without making it even more confusing or retconny. Kudos to the actors and actresses, who gave their all with the material they had, and were incredible. I’ve really no clue where we’re going in Season 7, but I know Bobby & Lana wouldn’t have signed on if it’s going to be absolutely terrible….so with them on board, I’m pessimistic, but hopeful that it’s at least entertaining! Remember guys, always lower your expectations with OUAT, it will save you a lot of heartache and headaches! Onward and forward now I guess we’re moving…onto the next chapter of this story.
Season 6B Grade: B-
Overall Season 6 Grade: B
"If you go as far as you can see...you will then see enough to go even further." - Finn Balor
May 15, 2017 at 10:06 am #338647AKA
ParticipantWhat was your favorite episode of S6B?
Favorite episode was Black Fairy followed by Page 23
What was your least favorite episode of S6B?
Least favorite was Awake followed closely by a Wondrous Place just because it was a complete waste of time
There were many plot threads throughout all of S6B but which was your favorite?
I loved Rumple and Gideon moments this season. Rumple is best as a dad trying to do good by his kids. Robert Carlyle hit it out of the field with his acting, so many feels. I also really enjoyed the Regina this half, she had some great character development with a character that was already pretty well developed.
What were your favorite and least favorite moments?
Favorite moment would be the Rumbelle hug in 6×13, We Rumbelle fans have been put through the ringer the last couple of season and I think we all needed that hug as much as Rumple did. My other favorite moment would be the Regina and EQ self actualization hug.
Least favorite moment would be Snow and Emma threatening to kill Gideon in Gold’s shop. It was a new time low for both characters and really badly done. Bye the way what ever happened to all the kids in the black realm, oh that’s right we ran out of time on stupid plots like Aladdin and Jasmine, and Hook doing nothing to redeem himself for killing Charming’s father.
Should this have been the end of the series?
Yes, I loved the ending montage and the ending message. It could have and probably should have ended there.
What would you like to see in S7?
New characters, new stories, new people to care about, and NOT ruining the ending of season 6
Final grade and thoughts on S6B?
I thought they ended it well, but I was left unsatisfied by the rushing of the stories. They should have spent more time finishing up stories instead of wasting time on crap episodes that no one really cared about (Aladdin and Jasmine). As a Rumbelle fan I felt that OUAT took a lot of time completely destroying Rumbelle in season 6A and should have taken just as much time fixing them in 6B. If not they should have had a HUGE character moment where Rumple CHOOSES love over power and Belle finally gets it through Rumple’s head that he is lovable and that she does and will always love him. Instead we get a mere smearing of Belle (when she actually has a scene) working with Rumple and trying to understand his reasoning, Rumple working really hard to do what is right for his son, Rumple putting Belle and Gideon first (which is completely in character for him and is who he is at his core). I would have even taken a scene where Rumple explains to Belle that he does not want to be everyone’s savior or everyone’s hero that he just wants to be her and Gideon’s savior and hero, and Belle accepting this and understanding that this is who Rumple is. Instead we get Rumple making the right choice and presto everything is fixed (I guess this is what fanfic is for someone please write Rumple and Belle actually fixing their relationship)
All in all I would give 6B an A- because at least we ended with Hope and Happily Ever Afters even if I felt they could have executed it better.
May 16, 2017 at 11:56 am #338753thedarkonedearie
Participant1) What was your favorite episode of S6B?
The Song in Your Heart, Strange Case, Heartless, Awake, Changelings
2) What was your least favorite episode of S6B?
Tie between Street Rats and A Wondrous Place. Hated what they did with Jasmine and Aladdin and Jafar
3) There were many plot threads throughout all of S6B but which was your favorite?
I suppose I enjoyed the Gideon/Black Fairy dark realm plotline the most. Although I enjoyed how the EQ plotline came to a close with Regina accepting herself.
4) What were your favorite and least favorite moments?
Favorites: Regina accepting herself and the EQ, Hook saving Belle and killing Jekyll and Hyde, the whole music episode (especially Emma’s song bring her story full circle), the black fairy and her portrayal up until the final episode), Rumple and Belle getting to raise a baby Gideon and starting over, Zelena giving up her powers, Rumple meeting black fairy for the first time in Changelings, EQ’s new curse on Snowing in Heartless
Least Favorite: Jafar being defeated, Aladdin turning into a genie, the stupid wish realm, Hook killing Charming’s father and not getting the closure I wanted to that storyline…nothing else sticks out as bad for me….just blah
5) Should this have been the end of the series?
Yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a little intrigued by S7, and it also doesn’t mean that I don’t view this as one book closed and S7 being a different story and a new book. It’s technically still OUAT but it won;t be the same in my mind unless they close out the show next season with similar themes and with the three remaining cast members.
6) What would you like to see in S7?
New story with new characters and the three old ones popping up occasionally. Tell a fresh story with similar themes. Give me a new villain (the darkness), give me a new fairy tale character (Lucy’s mom) and let’s tell a fun original season 1 esque story. And no more flashbacks of Regina trying to kill Snow!!! yes finally. I would like to see flashforwards as well to mix it up. That could be cool.
7) Final grade and thoughts on S6B?
B. Liked a lot of it, hated some of it. Was overall happy with how it ended.
May 16, 2017 at 11:59 am #338754thedarkonedearie
ParticipantI’m still not sure what her motivation for anything was; just because she’s “evil” and Emma’s good?
I agree we needed to see more of her. However, her motivation I thought became pretty clear in the finale. She wanted to wipe out Emma’s belief so that all the realms would be destroyed and the people in them so that she could just have her family and all the power she wanted without the laws of magic to abide by (like bringing people back from the dead). She wanted to kill everyone and be the only one left running a small town and having all the power with her two sons (Gideon and Rumple).
May 16, 2017 at 12:45 pm #338770hjbau
ParticipantThat is what the Black Fairy wanted to do. That is not her motivation. Why does she want to do that? Maybe she wants power like Rumpel? If so that wasn’t explained properly. Does she care about her son and grandson? She isn’t good to them. She never has been from what we have seen.
We saw in her episode that she created the dark curse to protect Rumpel from being killed, but once Rumpel was safe still wanted her power and she used that power to hurt Rumpel and Gideon. She wants Rumpel safe, but she treats him terribly. It pretty much just seems like she is a bad person and that’s it.
May 16, 2017 at 12:58 pm #338775thedarkonedearie
ParticipantShe wanted the power without having to abide by the laws of magic, that was her motivation. We saw her choose her power over her son in her flashbacks, just like Rumple did. She wanted all the power in the world by wiping out all the realms. And we know she did truly care about Rumple, and we know she did grow fond of Gideon, so by doing what she was planning on doing, she got to have it all, which is what she wanted to do in her flashbacks by cutting Rumple’s destiny but keeping her powers…that is until until Blue sent her away. Now, she would have had unlimited power, everyone else who could stop her would be gone, and she could live her life safely with her two sons. That’s plenty of motivation and I think it’s clear as day.
May 30, 2017 at 10:57 am #339350thedarkonedearie
ParticipantSo I finally binge watched Once Upon a Time in Wonderland this long weekend and one thought that I realized was this:
– While I enjoyed Naveen Andrews as Jafar, I do think Oded Fehr captured Jafar’s mannerisms better. If he had been the one who played him on Wonderland, I think people would have been less upset with him in Once. Not that Naveen was bad, bc he wasn’t and I enjoyed him a lot, it’s just Oded acted way more like Jafar in my opinion. It’s just a shame he wasn’t used in 6B at all.
Other notes on Wonderland (some pertaining to OUAT):
– First few episodes were just awful. It picked up and I found the final third to be quite good. It felt like they had a story in mind and it played out cohesively from beginning, middle, and end. Unlike in OUAT when it feels like the story always shifts midway through the half season.
– Jafar was great. Really loved his backstory. It’s almost a shame they wasted him on a spin off that didn’t last.
– I maintain that it’s very odd we got a wonderland spinoff and there was no mad hatter. If I was a fair weather fan watching it, I’d be pissed.
– Cora was amazing per usual.
– Am I the only one who couldn’t stand Alice? I really just didn’t like the casting. Although the story mostly involved Alice and Cyrus and their love story, I thought Ana and Will’s story was way more compelling.
– So I thought the fight sequences were so much better than what I’ve seen on OUAT lately. The battle between Amara and Jafar stands out. Like the mirror shards and the chandelier coming down. It felt like an actual fight. What on earth did we get from the Black Fairy? A lot of talking and then one poof of magic at Regina before getting run over by a car? Was their budget just more on Wonderland?
– How Jafar was defeated was so much better than Black Fairy (I’m comparing them bc both wanted to change the laws of magic). Black Fairy never even accomplished what she wanted and was defeated so easily by a dumb wand. Jafar succeeded and was outdone by something (a well) that at least was canon early on in the show. And he was defeated sort of in the same way as he was in the original movie. My goodness, it’s almost like it was planned from the beginning of the arc!
– So, did the writers just run out of ideas in OUAT bc they pretty much just rehashed the story from Wonderland. The end game was for the villain to try and change the laws of magic. It’s so lame now after seeing the same plan play out in Wonderland. And Wonderland just did it so much better bc the villain was successful. I would have liked Black Fairy to get the glowy eyes and have her fun for a bit.
– Loved Amara and her being Jafar’s staff. And then her being connected to Cyrus and his brother’s.
– Loved the scene where Jafar kills Ana. I didn’t think I would like them bringing her back to life but it was done based on what they established already on the show, not some dumb macguffin. And then Will and Ana’s kiss breaking the curse made sense.
– The rabbit looked good but otherwise the CGI as far as the sets go, was pretty horrible.
– Uhh the Jabberwocky. So cool. Another wasted villain on a one season spin off series. They made her really creepy and original.
– So the caterpillar was basically Jabba the Hut….
– So I get why people are mad that Ana wasn’t one of the stepsisters in the Cinderella episode in season 6. It was pretty clear that’s what they were hinting at multiple times in Wonderland.
– Amara was on Lost right? Totally realized that once she stepped on the screen.
– Also did they not take the creepy girl from The Ring and completely rip her off. Not complaining but wow that was so similar…and creepy.
– And since we are on creepy moments, how about people turning into trees. Jesus the weird carpenter was all sorts of creepy.
Basically, I can’t believe A&E gave us such a complete story with Wonderland that made sense and felt cohesive from start to finish, and then they gave us Season 6 of OUAT which felt all over the place with dropped story lines and anticlimactic villains who just talk and don’t act. However this is why I’m going to give season 7 a try. Season 7 will have mostly all new characters, like Wonderland. They no longer are going to be bogged down with old flashbacks that have the same thing happening which limits what they can do with those characters in the present. With a fresh story and mostly new characters, I think if they know this season is the last, we could potentially get a complete, original, cohesive narrative again. Not saying this will happen, but it could, and Wonderland gives me some optimism that A&E are in fact capable of pulling that off still with new characters. That alone, will compel me to give season 7 a try. But the leash is short.
May 30, 2017 at 12:46 pm #339353AKA
ParticipantAm I the only one who couldn’t stand Alice? I really just didn’t like the casting. Although the story mostly involved Alice and Cyrus and their love story, I thought Ana and Will’s story was way more compelling.
Nope I felt the same way, I loved Ana and Will’s story and tolerated Alice and Cyrus’s story which was kind of flat. Hearing you talk about it makes me want to watch it again, maybe that is what I will do over the summer. I loved Jafar’s story and was thoroughly dissapointed in what OUAT time did with him this season. They made a complex villain who was truly powerful into a weak easily defeated side note.
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