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I’d read people’s comments on the ep before watching it, so I knew to expect some hot mess, but even though I went in prepared, I’m sitting here just…overwhelmed…not in a good way.
Hated the timeline jump. This story could’ve played out throughout this half of the season much better than how it was presented.
Yup! Problem is they wanted to show the Curse being cast as the big finale for this first part of the season before the hiatus. And because they’d concocted such a ridiculous setup for how this Curse was cast, they just had too much stuff to cram in at the last moment. I can only imagine that their intention was to leave people thinking, “OMG how did all this happen, I’m so excited to fill in the blanks, I can’t wait for hiatus to be over.” But it backfired big time and everyone’s just confused instead, because they did a big time jump and threw a whole bunch of scenarios at us that are just dumbfounding, rather than intriguing. A good finale should leave your audience with questions, but not of the, “Well this just makes no sense,” variety.
The Oldest part of the Enchanted Forrest is the original enchanted forest? That makes no sense. I thought this was a completely different realm and that is why there is a new cinderella, and a new rapunzel, and new whoever else. What happened to that?
OK so I’d have to go back to check, but the original tree that made Emma’s wardrobe, did that come from “the oldest part of the EF”? If so, then I think what they were attempting to imply is that New!EF also has “the oldest part of the New!EF” and that’s where the magic trees are, because no matter the realm, that’s just the part of the forest where the magic trees are. And I’m also gonna assume that this axe belonged to New!EF Gepetto, rather than the one we know? Basically, I think Henry was like, “This is what the setup was in the original story, so it’ll all work out the same if I just sub in the New!EF versions of all the things.” Perhaps?
The scene between Hook and Alice was first of all mumbled so I could not understand it even after watching it four times. So I had no idea what in the world they were talking about, but I guess that it was that she should be reunited with Robyn her love? Okay thanks for that with absolutely no background.
It was a tad confusing, but here’s what I got out of that exchange…
Hook: Are you sure this is still where you wanna be?
Alice: Knowing what he’d give up for me, I owe it to him to stay by his side. And who knows, maybe our Cursed memories will be better.
Maybe this means that Rumple gave up his humanity and became the imp again because reasons, to help Alice with something, and that’s why he’s now seemingly her BFF, rather than Hook? Maybe Rumple stepped in to do something to help her in a situation where Hook wouldn’t or couldn’t, and that’s why they seem estranged now? I mean, I know they were cursed to not be able to touch each other or whatever, but it seems like there’s more than that going on that’s keeping them apart now. (Perhaps he later gives up the chance for them to remember each other because he figures their relationship is such a mess that even Curse memories can’t fix it, so maybe he feels like he’s not giving up that much, especially when compared to what Ella and Lucy would have to give up?)
The next line from Hook, I’m not entirely sure if this is accurate because I don’t have captions on my version of the ep, but I think he says, “Fewer trees and walls in our way.” Maybe? Which…I guess will make sense whenever we get their backstory filled in and see what exactly happened? Walls could refer to the tower? Trees could refer to Gothel? Maybe? My head hurts.
Alice: Yes. But Papa if it happens I will lose her.
Hook: Don’t say that love, don’t. True love can win out over so much more.
Alice: I hope so. Please give this to her for me. I don’t have one for you, but, you already know how I feel.
Hook: I’ll deliver it, but I’m gonna do my best to make sure that nothing parts any of us.
Alice’s first line, I think is, “Yeah maybe the curse will bring us closer, but it’ll make me lose Robyn,” so Alice is basically resigned to having at least one of the main relationships in her life being wrecked, no matter which realm they’re in.
Hook’s last line, is him saying that he has #hope that the Curse can be stopped, Alice can stay in New!EF with Robyn, and he can find some way to resolve whatever drove him and Alice apart.
That whole scene made me just tilt my head and be “WUT?” after first watch, but seeing a few people confused, so going back to re-watch a few times, I think maybe it makes sense now. But it shouldn’t bloody well take 4 times watching a scene for it to make sense!!!
The kingdom seemed to be at peace for 8 years and Tiana was a princess again, so what the hell happened?
Tiana’s actually the Queen now, (Lucy addresses her as such). So go figure!