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- This topic has 80 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago by
April 18, 2014 at 11:21 pm #262377
ParticipantAll I have to say… Regina is Snow White’s Step Mother in the end…whether they like it or not…which I think they’re liking it! And RG and HE…as far as the Cora death and Daniel death thing goes…I think Regina and Snow really let out there frustration in that blowout in NL(which Regina won) and that’s why we can say the Past is in the Past….Snow and Regina would be there all day if Regina went down saying how she was sorry about everything… Sometimes…it’s best to let it go. Both have done their wrong toward the other, and cannot take back…so just move forward which is what they’re doing.
I’m just going to copy my comment again, since you probably didn’t see it:
“I agree. I’d been fine (not great, but fine) if she didn’t apologize. It’s the fact that Snow is literally punished when she does something that (I’m sorry to say it) needs to be done. And that they keep having her do it. A&E may not see it, but it’s putting a bad light on Regina’s redemption, not because she didn’t apologize back, but because Snow did again. If the game has always been that everybody says sorry to make Regina happy, then Regina admitting her mother is terrible, is smothered by Snow’s apology. It’s a hard thing to get by.
Just like with Rumpel having to show that he can do the right thing without Belle in his ear, Regina has to show that she can hold her own when people aren’t on her side, or don’t care about her pain (rightfully, of course). The only way to fix this (in my eyes) is for Snow to stand up for herself at least once without getting whipped, and for Regina to…not like it…but live with it.”
So, I’ve got no issue with them moving on. I’ve got an issue with the show penalizing someone for not sucking up to a person who has consistently ruined her life. I don’t mind them moving on. I’m all for it. I just hate the huge, glaring “Snow must put her self down” sign that they’ve been showing to get there.
[adrotate group="5"]April 19, 2014 at 12:29 am #262385schaendlich
ParticipantOk….just need to add a few things to set the record straight on the Queen’s behalf… 1. Regina was in fact…the purest woman ever on the show aside from Belle…(and don’t bring up Snow because she was a snooty thing when she was young). When I look at the fact of…entrusting a secret that you begged and pleaded with a 10 year old girl to keep, and we all knew what a secret was. And when you specify to not tell your mother, and the girl goes behind your back and does it anyway….uhhh….yeah…I’d be pretty (beep) off about that. Snow obviously knew what a secret was because she kept Miss Blue Fairy’s, and she’s not as naïve as we thought she was because she was all of a sudden wise enough to not use the dark candle on Eva.
There’s no proof that Regina was the purest woman there. Also, There is no proof at all that Snow was out to get anyone. The way that it was portrayed was that Snow was talked out of it by an adult. Yes, she knew what a secret was, but she was 10, as you said. She thought it’d be for the best because she believed in true love and the goodness of people. This transformation was even shown after her mother’s death. She was obviously not the same brat that had snapped at her maid. That was the whole point of introducing that flashback. So, no. As far as the show says, 10 year old Snow was not trying to “get” anyone. Also, she didn’t want to sacrifice someone’s life even to save her mother. That’s not being wise, that’s being kind.
So Snow knew right from wrong, and I still say…a part of Snow White wanted to tell that secret to get Regina. Hence shown in The Stable Boy when she was cursed Mary Margret, and was being interrogated…she said and I quote: “Yes I wanted her gone…she was the only thing that was keeping us apart, so yeah I wanted her gone! Is that what you wanna hear?” No matter how you twist it…that was the very small 15 percent of Snow White that felt the same way about Daniel, but that may not have been where she was mostly coming from when she told Cora the secret. But a small part of her…really didn’t care too much about keeping that secret.
Nothing says anything about Daniel. That’s an assumption that can’t be backed up. When she spoke, she spoke of her own guilt for wanting a man who was “taken” (Charming/David). It had nothing to do with Daniel. So, no matter how you twist it, Daniel was not on cursed Mary Margaret’s mind, because Mary Margaret is not Snow. That’s the point of the curse. So, that evidence can be dismissed. It’s pure speculation that is not supported by the history plaintiff. Nor is it supported by the details of the crime.
2. As far as the Rumpelstilskin situation goes…he’s been pining after Regina before she was even conceived. He had plans to make his monster for 300 years. After all is said and done…he convinces Regina to send Cora away. Had Rumple not stopped Regina on that road…she would have LEFT! HE convinced her to stay by using her newfound love for magic, and asked her to let him teach her magic. Though he said it was entirely up to her if she became like Cora…he didn’t give her a choice because he stole what could have been her Second chance with Daniel had he not hired Jefferson and Whale to break her even further down. Thus he got his “monster”.
I agree. with this partially. I love Rumpel, but he did some pretty crappy things. However, Regina has her own mind. SHE made the decision to stay. Frankenstein’s failed experiment shows that there is no way to bring back the dead fully. This was stated multiple times as a law. Not even the good doctor could do it. Daniel would have been an experiment either way. A new guinea pig with only a chance of being revived to the fullest. You can’t say that because Regina’s dead lover stayed there’s any sufficient justification for the defendant’s actions.
Rumpel tempted Regina, yes, but she chose the life that she did. There are plenty of characters on this show who lost their loves and/or lived lives that were just as crappy. However, they didn’t do what she did. With that reasoning, the only person to be blamed is Peter Pan, because he was the root of Rumpel’s evil, which is the root of Regina’s evil, which is the root of Snow’s vengeance against Regina (killing Cora). You can’t say that anyone made any one do anything, without skipping straight back to him. Which would remove the entire purpose for this trial, and entertain the idea that human beings do not possess free will or reponsibility. Rumpel didn’t make Regina murder who knows how many children by giving them to the blind witch. Rumpel didn’t make Regina hate Snow, and kill her father, and townspeople. Rumpel didn’t make Regina commit mass murder. Rumpel doesn’t make anyone do anything. That’s the point behind everything he does. It has been more than twice that he has presented a deal with clear expectations of payment, and consequence. He has also never forced one to sign on the dotted line. He doesn’t tell people what to do. He lets them go as far as they will to get what he has offered. He’s a travelling salesman.
“Can you handle the consequences?” “You’ll owe me something precious.” All of this he says to Cinderella. Do we then say that Rumpel made Cinderella bet her first born? No. That would be as ridiculous as saying that a salesman made you buy that television.
“Objection! This trial is not about Rumpelstiltskin.”
Fine. If Regina pursued her dark heart, that is no one’s fault but hers. Even after seeing the things that Rumpel went through in childhood, and beyond I still say that it is his choice, because it was. You say that a 10 year old knew right from wrong? So did 18 year old Regina. The only difference is that Snow didn’t know that her choice would end up killing someone. Regina can’t be excused in that department.
But Snow killed Eva Cora out of vengeance…period point blank. She used Cora’s threat as an excuse to have a justifiable reason in killing her, because had it been really justifiable…Snow wouldn’t have that black spot on her heart. So yeah…she killed Cora out of vengeance. And God pray….Zelena never learns that she did that, because she seems like the type of girl with an eye for an eye(#SaveSnowingBaby) That sums up my defense of the Queen….
Again, I partially agree. Snow killed Cora. She killed her out of anger instead of necessity. But, her intent is the only thing out of place. Either way, Snow had no out. If she crushed Cora’s heart, Rumpel would have died and Snow would have been responsible for the deaths of two people. Without “guard dog” Rumpel, Regina would have been free to slaughter them all like cattle.
“Your honor! Objection!”
Withdrawn. Ahem. There is no guarantee that Regina would not have brought bodily harm upon the plaintiff. Further If she had given Cora the heart, there was no guarantee that this would have saved them. The only knowledge Snow had of Cora was as the woman who killed her mother. Why would she risk the lives of her family on a guess?
Cora had a history of violence and disregard for human life even before she gave her heart. Knowing that she was no longer pretending to love Regina, hardly negates the fact that we have no idea how she’d react to the others. Regina fell in line when her mother told her to. If Cora insisted on killing them anyway and going on to living a happy life with Henry, that could be it. So, there wasn’t a choice for Snow. Either they died or the didn’t. Snow’s personal reasons for killing Cora caused the dark spot, but that didn’t make Cora’s death in that exact fashion unnecessary.
If you can find a solution to the dillemma that would have resulted in Cora not dying the way that she did, but also leaving the main characters (Charmings) most definitely breathing, I’ll hear it. With that, Your honor, I draw my argument to a close.
April 19, 2014 at 9:42 am #262408Slurpeez
ParticipantI disagree the only reason Regina is in the fight is to find out about her sister. I also disagree that actions takes care of an apology, look at how many times Regina fish tails to the other side also Regina and Rumple both are older then Snow but not one of them have apologized. Hook has apologized and has taken action that is what redemption is all about. Kind of like the Bible says confess your sins and sin no more in my humble opinion 🙂
When has Hook actually ever sincerely apologized? He’s been pretty reluctant to do so. He has never apologized to Emma for leaving her, Snow, Mulan, and Aurora for dead in the Enchanted Forest in 2×9. He never actually apologized to Baelfire for letting the Lost Boys take him, even though Bae was just a boy at the time. He never aplogized to Regina for letting Greg Mendel torture her. He was reluctant to apologize to Belle for trying to kill her twice and only did so because Emma twisted his arm. Even when he did mutter the words, “I’m sorry,” he sounded insincere. Even though Hook has made strides to do the right thing at times, he’s still lying to Emma, teaching Henry to cheat at gambling and to steal a ship, and killed someone in the past year. So, how exactly has Hook “confessed his sins”? If anything, he’s allowed Emma to believe something that isn’t true. He didn’t correct her when Emma assumed Hook had reunited Eric and Ariel, when in fact, he’d only killed a man, thereby making Ariel’s quest to seek out Eric all the more difficult.
"That’s how you know you’ve really got a home. When you leave it, there’s this feeling that you can’t shake. You just miss it." Neal Cassidy
April 19, 2014 at 10:02 am #262411Onyx
ParticipantI disagree the only reason Regina is in the fight is to find out about her sister. I also disagree that actions takes care of an apology, look at how many times Regina fish tails to the other side also Regina and Rumple both are older then Snow but not one of them have apologized. Hook has apologized and has taken action that is what redemption is all about. Kind of like the Bible says confess your sins and sin no more in my humble opinion
When has Hook actually ever sincerely apologized? He’s been pretty reluctant to do so. He has never apologized to Emma for leaving her, Snow, Mulan, and Aurora for dead in the Enchanted Forest in 2×9. He never actually apologized to Baelfire for letting the Lost Boys take him, even though Bae was just a boy at the time. He never aplogized to Regina for letting Greg Mendel torture her. He was reluctant to apologize to Belle for trying to kill her twice and only did so because Emma twisted his arm. Even when he did mutter the words, “I’m sorry,” he sounded insincere. Even though Hook has made strides to do the right thing at times, he’s still lying to Emma, teaching Henry to cheat at gambling and to steal a ship, and killed someone in the past year. So, how exactly has Hook “confessed his sins”? If anything, he’s allowed Emma to believe something that isn’t true. He didn’t correct her when Emma assumed Hook had reunited Eric and Ariel, when in fact, he’d only killed a man, thereby making Ariel’s quest to seek out Eric all the more difficult.
The only apology I can think of that was actually sincere and true, was the one to Ariel. Which was the reason I was bummed it turned out to be Zelena, because all that sincerity went to waste and Ariel is none the wiser about his regrets.
As for that so called “apology” to Belle, I don’t even count that. In what world is “Sorry??” attached with a question mark at the end of the word, a sincere and heartfelt expression of remorse?
Co-Mayor of Sad Town | Twin of Co-Mayor of Sad Town
April 19, 2014 at 3:31 pm #262456Cinders
ParticipantI think this conversation between Regina and Snow was written to address the elephant in the room regarding the seance scenes, the candle.
If Snow wasnt participating in this Candle of Death seance there would be no reason to write in her apology in this episode. But she is, and if they didn’t address Snow’s history with that candle it would have been a gaping hole in the story. Snow has more history with that candle than Regina does. The candle represents more than just Cora’s death.
If Regina had responded to Snow for her own wrongdoings it would have taken away the focus and theme of the seance scenes. The focus is Cora, Zelena, with secondary focus being Snow’s history with that candle as it pertains to Cora being the dead spirit they are summoning.
And high five to the writers for using that particular candle to summon Cora to the seance. Had she not given that candle to Snow in the first place, Cora might be alive today.April 19, 2014 at 4:01 pm #262464WickedRegal
ParticipantOk….just need to add a few things to set the record straight on the Queen’s behalf… 1. Regina was in fact…the purest woman ever on the show aside from Belle…(and don’t bring up Snow because she was a snooty thing when she was young). When I look at the fact of…entrusting a secret that you begged and pleaded with a 10 year old girl to keep, and we all knew what a secret was. And when you specify to not tell your mother, and the girl goes behind your back and does it anyway….uhhh….yeah…I’d be pretty (beep) off about that. Snow obviously knew what a secret was because she kept Miss Blue Fairy’s, and she’s not as naïve as we thought she was because she was all of a sudden wise enough to not use the dark candle on Eva.
There’s no proof that Regina was the purest woman there. Also, There is no proof at all that Snow was out to get anyone. The way that it was portrayed was that Snow was talked out of it by an adult. Yes, she knew what a secret was, but she was 10, as you said. She thought it’d be for the best because she believed in true love and the goodness of people. This transformation was even shown after her mother’s death. She was obviously not the same brat that had snapped at her maid. That was the whole point of introducing that flashback. So, no. As far as the show says, 10 year old Snow was not trying to “get” anyone. Also, she didn’t want to sacrifice someone’s life even to save her mother. That’s not being wise, that’s being kind.
So Snow knew right from wrong, and I still say…a part of Snow White wanted to tell that secret to get Regina. Hence shown in The Stable Boy when she was cursed Mary Margret, and was being interrogated…she said and I quote: “Yes I wanted her gone…she was the only thing that was keeping us apart, so yeah I wanted her gone! Is that what you wanna hear?” No matter how you twist it…that was the very small 15 percent of Snow White that felt the same way about Daniel, but that may not have been where she was mostly coming from when she told Cora the secret. But a small part of her…really didn’t care too much about keeping that secret.
Nothing says anything about Daniel. That’s an assumption that can’t be backed up. When she spoke, she spoke of her own guilt for wanting a man who was “taken” (Charming/David). It had nothing to do with Daniel. So, no matter how you twist it, Daniel was not on cursed Mary Margaret’s mind, because Mary Margaret is not Snow. That’s the point of the curse. So, that evidence can be dismissed. It’s pure speculation that is not supported by the history plaintiff. Nor is it supported by the details of the crime.
2. As far as the Rumpelstilskin situation goes…he’s been pining after Regina before she was even conceived. He had plans to make his monster for 300 years. After all is said and done…he convinces Regina to send Cora away. Had Rumple not stopped Regina on that road…she would have LEFT! HE convinced her to stay by using her newfound love for magic, and asked her to let him teach her magic. Though he said it was entirely up to her if she became like Cora…he didn’t give her a choice because he stole what could have been her Second chance with Daniel had he not hired Jefferson and Whale to break her even further down. Thus he got his “monster”.
I agree. with this partially. I love Rumpel, but he did some pretty crappy things. However, Regina has her own mind. SHE made the decision to stay. Frankenstein’s failed experiment shows that there is no way to bring back the dead fully. This was stated multiple times as a law. Not even the good doctor could do it. Daniel would have been an experiment either way. A new guinea pig with only a chance of being revived to the fullest. You can’t say that because Regina’s dead lover stayed there’s any sufficient justification for the defendant’s actions. Rumpel tempted Regina, yes, but she chose the life that she did. There are plenty of characters on this show who lost their loves and/or lived lives that were just as crappy. However, they didn’t do what she did. With that reasoning, the only person to be blamed is Peter Pan, because he was the root of Rumpel’s evil, which is the root of Regina’s evil, which is the root of Snow’s vengeance against Regina (killing Cora). You can’t say that anyone made any one do anything, without skipping straight back to him. Which would remove the entire purpose for this trial, and entertain the idea that human beings do not possess free will or reponsibility. Rumpel didn’t make Regina murder who knows how many children by giving them to the blind witch. Rumpel didn’t make Regina hate Snow, and kill her father, and townspeople. Rumpel didn’t make Regina commit mass murder. Rumpel doesn’t make anyone do anything. That’s the point behind everything he does. It has been more than twice that he has presented a deal with clear expectations of payment, and consequence. He has also never forced one to sign on the dotted line. He doesn’t tell people what to do. He lets them go as far as they will to get what he has offered. He’s a travelling salesman. “Can you handle the consequences?” “You’ll owe me something precious.” All of this he says to Cinderella. Do we then say that Rumpel made Cinderella bet her first born? No. That would be as ridiculous as saying that a salesman made you buy that television. “Objection! This trial is not about Rumpelstiltskin.” “Sustained” Fine. If Regina pursued her dark heart, that is no one’s fault but hers. Even after seeing the things that Rumpel went through in childhood, and beyond I still say that it is his choice, because it was. You say that a 10 year old knew right from wrong? So did 18 year old Regina. The only difference is that Snow didn’t know that her choice would end up killing someone. Regina can’t be excused in that department.
But Snow killed Eva Cora out of vengeance…period point blank. She used Cora’s threat as an excuse to have a justifiable reason in killing her, because had it been really justifiable…Snow wouldn’t have that black spot on her heart. So yeah…she killed Cora out of vengeance. And God pray….Zelena never learns that she did that, because she seems like the type of girl with an eye for an eye(#SaveSnowingBaby) That sums up my defense of the Queen….
Again, I partially agree. Snow killed Cora. She killed her out of anger instead of necessity. But, her intent is the only thing out of place. Either way, Snow had no out. If she crushed Cora’s heart, Rumpel would have died and Snow would have been responsible for the deaths of two people. Without “guard dog” Rumpel, Regina would have been free to slaughter them all like cattle. “Your honor! Objection!” Withdrawn. Ahem. There is no guarantee that Regina would not have brought bodily harm upon the plaintiff. Further If she had given Cora the heart, there was no guarantee that this would have saved them. The only knowledge Snow had of Cora was as the woman who killed her mother. Why would she risk the lives of her family on a guess? Cora had a history of violence and disregard for human life even before she gave her heart. Knowing that she was no longer pretending to love Regina, hardly negates the fact that we have no idea how she’d react to the others. Regina fell in line when her mother told her to. If Cora insisted on killing them anyway and going on to living a happy life with Henry, that could be it. So, there wasn’t a choice for Snow. Either they died or the didn’t. Snow’s personal reasons for killing Cora caused the dark spot, but that didn’t make Cora’s death in that exact fashion unnecessary. If you can find a solution to the dillemma that would have resulted in Cora not dying the way that she did, but also leaving the main characters (Charmings) most definitely breathing, I’ll hear it. With that, Your honor, I draw my argument to a close.
As delightful as this argument is…I believe we’re nearing a close on it as we need to get back to the Sneak Peeks at hand. I’m going to make one more comment on this, and leave it be because THE PAST IS IN THE PAST.
1. Regina was in fact the purest woman on this show compared to others that have been presented…the only woman who is either equal or above Young Regina’s purity is Belle. The reason I say this is because even though Cora was a dark, cruel, woman who smothered her daughter, and no doubt tried to get her involved with magic….Regina remained pure and honest, and away from magic as possible!
The moment Daniel died…Regina’s heart was broken. It began to darken once she learned of Snow’s betrayal(though out of a “Good” heart…still resulted in the death of Regina’s true love. So Snow is still at fault with Daniel, probably not a huge percentage such as Cora, but Snow White loaded the gun for Cora to pull the trigger.
“Dead Is Dead”…okay! Rumple knew exactly how to bring back Daniel aka (it was in his secret room at his castle), and he convinced Regina there was no way. Then hired Jefferson and Whale to deceive Regina in order to break her further into creating HIS Monster!
And to make a long story short…Rumple’s dark influence rubbed off on Regina. He instigated her hatred for Snow, making it grow further and further in order for her to be dark. The point is…Rumple is partially responsible for everyone Regina has ever killed death because he’s the one who morphed her into the monster he became.
As for the Hansel and Gretel….The Kids had a choice! Regina may have been the Evil Queen but she always had a soft spot for kids…she just offered them an offer they could never refuse! But the kids, like young Snow, had a CHOICE! To say no! There is no proof on the show that Regina would knowingly kill kids….she warned every child the chances of them not coming out, they accepted of their own free will! Even when H and G insulted Regina after giving her the apple, after she made them the promise of anything they desired…she still released their father to go find them on his own.
And as far as Cora goes…the moment her heart was back in her body…she was pure again! Well not pure but pure enough to not kill anyone as she realized that Regina was more important than anything! Therefore Cora would have no longer posed a threat as she would have no longer cared. Snow White could have given Regina an uncursed heart, and still be alright. And might I add…Rumple talked Snow into cursing Cora’s heart to save his life.
That sums up everything…back to PRESS RELEASE.
"If you go as far as you can see...you will then see enough to go even further." - Finn Balor
April 22, 2014 at 12:16 am #263031schaendlich
ParticipantFirstly, I’m not angry or upset. I was just having a friendly discussion. I don’t mean to upset you, if I have, but I must reply, and then clarify.
As for the Hansel and Gretel….The Kids had a choice! Regina may have been the Evil Queen but she always had a soft spot for kids…she just offered them an offer they could never refuse! But the kids, like young Snow, had a CHOICE! To say no! There is no proof on the show that Regina would knowingly kill kids….she warned every child the chances of them not coming out, they accepted of their own free will! Even when H and G insulted Regina after giving her the apple, after she made them the promise of anything they desired…she still released their father to go find them on his own.
You can argue that Regina was pure and Rumpel just rubbed off on her, and influenced her. And yet, in the same argument you say that these children who she knows could have died had a choice, and therefore it is okay that Regina did this? Yes, they could have said no, just as Regina could have said no to Rumpel. That is true. However, Regina is the reason they were in the situation to accept her offer. Regina is the one that kidnapped their father. Since you glanced over it, Regina let their father go, but made it so that no matter how long or hard he looked, he would never find them. Rumpel gave Regina the option, but I never exempted his behavior. He was a bastard for that. And so is Regina. Yet, you’re acting like Regina putting two children in a situation to risk their lives is some sort of good deed…
Especially if you are so pure, an evil being giving you an out that you know will hurt people cannot be excused. If a man decides to run a family off the road because his wife died, he’d still be prosecuted. That is because personal pain, never gives another the excuse to hurt someone else. Lest we forget, Regina murdered Graham who (because their kiss began to revive some of his memories) could have very well been Emma’s true love at that point. Did she use that as a lame excuse to hurt multiple innocent people to get back at Regina? No. Did she use the lame excuse of not having her dead boyfriend come back to life to kill hundreds of innocent people and enslave others? No. She saved Regina’s life. Because, despite not being as pure as Regina was, she chose to do the right thing. And this is with Rumpel around trying to manipulate her.
I’m not saying that anyone is exempt from the influence they had on Regina. I am saying that Regina, in the end, holds most of the blame for the things she’s done. A fair share goes to Cora for being a beast. A fair share goes to Rumpel being the instigator. The smallest share goes to a 10 year old being…a 10 year old (i.e. naive about a lot of things).
Also, Cora? We can’t ignore the fact that she was willing to kill, steal, lie and abandon her child to get ahead in life before she lost her heart. Therefore, that smile spoke of Cora’s blossoming love for Regina. It does not speak of how she would treat the others, especially if they were keeping something precious like Henry away from Regina. Also, would you risk your family’s life on the chance that the woman who killed your mother would turn a new leaf? If you said yes, then you are a saint. (No sarcasm, you are an uncannily nice human being. Even moreso than Snow). Yeah, Rumpel really did give Snow an offer she couldn’t refuse. He was very wrong for that. I was facepalming the whole time, going “Rumpel…you are screwing up your redemption. I love you, but please…” However, the information he told Snow about, I would have seen as reasonable. I would forever be guilty with the reason I was so anxious to kill this woman. Revenge is bad, and I’d forever know that revenge was on the forefront of my mind when I did the deed. However, despite my anger, I would never in a million years risk the lives of my husband, child , and grandchild on the possibility that a woman who murdered my mother would possibly be good if I gave her heart back. Especially considering that I didn’t know what kind of person she was when she had one, and the only person alive who did was scared of her (and also happened to be the most powerful guy around).
In closing, Regina is a good character, and in her day, a darn good villain. I hope you don’t think that I’m a Regina hater because of my statements. I just hate how it kind of insults her character when people make it seem like she has no choice in things, or that her manipulation and pain mean more than the morals of the show. She chose, and that makes her character stronger for me. It was the wrong choice, but it was hers. That’s why I liked her, and considered her redemption a nice concept. I only started to dislike her when she began to pull the “Everyone’s fault but mine” spiel.
People are wrong. Sometimes infinitely wrong, and taking that away from Regina turns her into a Mary Sue, in my opinion. Now that she’s quit that, I like her again. I was one of the few who was okay with her having no regrets in Neverland, because it empowered her choice, whether it was wrong or right. That was my whole point of replying. I wasn’t meaning to show hatred for Regina, or make her into this nonredeemable thing. My point was just to say that Regina stands on her own two feet. She pulls her weight, and she is not a Sue who just gets her badness glossed over. She is a powerful character and woman who made a series of good and bad choices to get where she is, and that’s worth it. She’s her own person: not *insert tragic backstory here*. I just really value that, I guess, and I just had to let out that I didn’t enjoy how everyone takes all responsibility off of her shoulders. It weakens her, to me. I like her too much for that, I guess.
April 22, 2014 at 2:42 am #263039Grimmsister
ParticipantWow! …Again Schaendlich, very good post. I agree 🙂
April 22, 2014 at 6:06 pm #263171schaendlich
ParticipantThanks, Grimmsistr. I was beginning to think I was alone.
I just wanted to make it clear that I’m not a hater. Regina is becoming one of my favorites. 😀
April 23, 2014 at 1:31 am #263220Grimmsister
ParticipantYoure welcome. And its clear to me from the thoughts in your post that you are not a Regina hater. I LOVE the Regina character, she has been my favorite all since the pilot (though for different reasons then 😉
To me the most tragic thing about her is that she kept making the same wrong choices, choices being the keyword, and therebye putting other people in the same horrible situation as she was herself, in a sense punishing the World for her own troubles. Take the Hansl and Gretl story as an example, she made them hopelessly lost in the giant unending Woods, like she herself was lost. to me it was like a methaphor for her own situation. Having noone who was ever able to find her. But punishing other people for your own trouble, is ofcourse never the best way to go about Things…
She is finally making better choices. And I love that. I think what bothers me abit is the way they portray Snows character next to her. Snow is too apologetic, for Regina, but for herself in particular (please dont say sorry and try to kill yourself everyother day Snow) and something about it just feels wrong. But I have a hard time really pinpointing what it is exactly.
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