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- This topic has 29 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by
May 14, 2017 at 1:48 pm #338565
KeymasterHere we are again, season finale time! We’re wrapping up season 6 with a two parter, “The Final Battle.” What were your favorite and least favorite moments as we say goodbye to the show for three months (and say goodbye to several characters possibly forever)?
[adrotate group="5"]"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"May 14, 2017 at 8:59 pm #338584RumplesGirl
Keymaster6×21 “The Final Battle part 1”
GENERAL: Like a lot of things this year, I like the idea more than the executions and explanations. The idea of a reversed curse (sort of) is cool and Emma being crazy seems logical given all she’s been through. But there were a lot of “huh?!?!” moments in this first half. #Hope the second one is better.
RATING: 6.5/10
–“If she thinks she can rip this family apart…curses have never stopped us before.”
–Arrendale shout out! Wish they could have gotten Elizabeth Lail and Georgiana Haig back for a moment or two. Also, Sven.
–The show remembered that the “Evil Queen” had killed Snowing! That was a huge complaint from all of us after “Page 23”
–The musical cues while Hook was walking around the table were really cool.
–Why exactly did the Curse make Fiona Henry’s mother? That’s sorta weird. Regina chose that, it wasn’t something that was a byproduct of the Curse.
–How did one of Jefferson’s hat even get to Oz?
–Emma’s belief keeps realms existing. On the one hand that’s really really cool. On the other it makes no sense whatsoever since Emma didn’t believe for the first 28 years and the realms didn’t flit out of existence. They did not pop into existence with her birth! They were always there. So why are they dependent on Emma’s belief?
–How does Emma have third person omniscient memories? She actually remembers seeing herself walk down the aisle!
–“A time of great upheaval.” Oh that’s a new way of saying “we have no idea, but just follow us, okay?”
–Holy horrible outfits, Aladdin and Jasmine! Wow those are miserable.
–How did more people pop out of that hat than went in to it?!?!
–The Evil Queen and Robin just packed up and left the Wish Realm how exactly?
–No. More. Beans. Ever.
–Oof those Photoshop pics of Belle around the world!
"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"May 14, 2017 at 9:44 pm #338586kpercyman
Participant6×21 “The Final Battle part 1”
–Oof those Photoshop pics of Belle around the world!
For a second I thought he would say “Why are these photoshopped?”
May 14, 2017 at 9:59 pm #338587RumplesGirl
Keymaster6×22 “The Final Battle part 2”
GENERAL: Better than the first half but still with so much “huh?!?!” going on. The Black Fairy, in the end felt so underwhelming and useless. Rumple waves a wand and she dies which breaks the curse? That’s it? This whole finale felt rather….pointless.
I guess it felt like a proper ending to OUAT: The Original Series but I can’t help but think this should be the absolute end.
RATING: 7/10
–“Hello there, Mummy.”
–Aww, Henry wrote Emma a new book to help her remember.
–“The beanstalk that fell on me gave me pause” (I will miss Snowing. I will miss them, miss them, miss them.)
–The sword Henry uses is the same sword the little girl found…so all of us who thought the girl couldn’t be Henry’s daughter…nope!
–“It’s who I want to be.” Ahhh. Emma’s choosing to be the Savior. That’s some nice self-actualization right there. That’s a proper end to a hero’s journey.
–Belle’s cursed personality is a shut in. That actually makes loads of sense given that she’s famous for wanting “adventure in the great wide somewhere.”
–LOLOL at Henry hitting Gideon over the head with a fire extinguisher.
–“Ending isn’t happiness. Being together is.” So freaking cheesy but I responded to it.
–SVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY WISH CAME TRUE!! REMEMBER WHEN I HAD A WHOLE THREAD DEDICATED TO THE AMAZINGNESS OF SVEN?!?!
–The dwarves put “Queen”on the door. Aw.
–Why exactly did Snow’s curse revive Charming? He wasn’t cursed?
–Well you can’t say it’s out of character for Rumple not give a single passing thought to Henry and his problems with the rest of the CharMills and only be concerned with Belle!
–Only light can snuff out light? That makes no sense. Adding light to light just makes more light!
–Suddenly Dark One Clippy Rumple appears to tell us all that nothing is easy?
–A sword wound matters not when you get TLK? Even though you’re not cursed! OKAY!
–And Rumple is awake….how?
–So the curse breaks with the Black Fairy dying which was totally easy and anti-climatic!
–Gideon is forced into fighting Emma by the Black Fairy…seriously what was her purpose this year! Did she have one? She did almost nothing but cast a water’d down version of Regina’s first curse!
–Belle’s been wearing massive heels for 5 years but NOW she twists her ankle?
–Wow that big battle was horribly anti-climatic. Emma went down for a total of five seconds.
–Gideon became a baby because….? He killed the Savior! Congrats! You get a second chance at life! Thanks Henry’s TLK!
–Belle and Rumple get a fresh start without having to actually talk through their issues! So many healthy relationships on this show.
"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"May 14, 2017 at 9:59 pm #338588WickedRegal
ParticipantPART ONE
A little slow at first, but it picked up as it went.
Rating: 7/10
Parallel to Season 1 with Henry trying to get Emma to believe again.
Jamie Murray was a brilliant addition to this season half!!! Her pretending to be Madame Mayor, lol!
Gideon and Gold working at the Pawn Shop together!!!
Henry pickpocketing….Neal would be proud!
WickedSisters brewing together!!
Dark OutlawQueen “Bonnie & Clyde” the Enchanted Forest!!
“Who the hell is in my house?!!!”
So how exactly does Emma failing to believe destroy all the realms?!
Love Ms. Murray, but Black Fairy pushing Henry down a flight of stairs….ummm….when does she die?
Rating: 8/10
This could’ve been it!!! Like…this was a great way to end not just the season, but the series!!!
Henry recreating a storybook detailing Season 1 to present day events!
The Evil Queen willing to sacrifice herself to save everyone!!!! That Is Character Development!!!!
Wow…that scene between Jamie & Bobby…well done!
Rumple finally choosing the right path!!! Bobby did so good this episode!!!
That parallel of Henry kissing Emma!!!
Awww…Belle and Rumple get their fresh start!! Given that this is technically the last, I guess I can let their recent troubled history slide.
That ending montage!!! I teared up at the end!!!
So…how does Emma still have an apartment when she hasn’t paid her rent in the last three years?!!
So Charming falls from stories heights to his death and TLK brought him back?!! HOW?!!! Since when did TLK bring back the dead?!!
I’m letting slide a lot of minor issues because this is the end of our version of the series, but certain things are definetly questionable.
"If you go as far as you can see...you will then see enough to go even further." - Finn Balor
May 14, 2017 at 10:09 pm #338598kpercyman
ParticipantHow does Henry forget he has a child? I just don’t see him being a one night stand type of guy. Then the whole what happened to my dad thing with the little girl. Weird!
May 14, 2017 at 10:14 pm #338599RumplesGirl
KeymasterHow does Henry forget he has a child? I just don’t see him being a one night stand type of guy. Then the whole what happened to my dad thing with the little girl. Weird!
Henry’s cursed I think. He lost that battle we saw in the Enchanted Forest and now Lucy’s looking for him, but he’s in our world, and doesn’t remember her.
"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"May 14, 2017 at 10:28 pm #338604bibliophile
ParticipantHow does Henry forget he has a child? I just don’t see him being a one night stand type of guy. Then the whole what happened to my dad thing with the little girl. Weird!
Henry’s cursed I think. He lost that battle we saw in the Enchanted Forest and now Lucy’s looking for him, but he’s in our world, and doesn’t remember her.
I’m guessing, but I think maybe Lucy’s father is Wish Realm Henry and not our Henry at all. Lucy somehow found him and needs his help to break a curse and return to her ‘real’ father. It’s a early theory anyway.
As for the finale itself… there were moments I liked, but overall I thought the first half was too slow and as much as I loved seeing Rumple take out mummy dearest… it was a bit too easy.
Also there are the plot-hole/quibbles in far too great abundance like why did Gideon suddenly become a baby? Why did Belle need to sprain her ankle at that moment? Why did the realms start to disappear because Emma stopped believing when that was totally never a thing? How the blooming heck did Charming and Hook survive that fall? I’m sure there are more I’m passing over.
As for what I did like… I loved the ending montage. All the happy beginnings and especially that long awaited family dinner where everyone actually seemed to care about each other. I agree the Last Supper layout was a bit to much.
I’m actually kind of happy right now. Maybe this wasn’t the best episode of Once ever, but the ending left me all warm and fuzzy and I’m kind of looking forward to season seven now. Weirdly.
Let Once: The Next Generation begin!
May 14, 2017 at 10:32 pm #338606AKA
ParticipantI am just going to review as a whole. I like it and wished it was the series ending 8.5/10
Henry’s true love’s kiss on Emma even though I don’t know how that worked it was a great parallel to the end of season 1
Evil Queen sacrificing herself to save everyone
Outlaw Queen getting a happy ending and stealing from the rich to give to the poor at least most of the time
Rumple telling his mom that all magic comes with a price and then killing her although how sad for Rumple to have to kill both his mom and dad. This was a nice parallel to when he killed his father in season 3
Belle loosing her bravery and courage in the curse and Rumple using the book to find her.
Rumple being awake for the curse because he did not trust his mom and knew she would use Belle as leverage (how he did this I don’t know but he is Rumple so I can buy that he figured it out)
Rumple doing the right thing even when the dark one inside of him was encouraging him to make the wrong decision.
I liked the ending of the chapter when good and evil both do the right thing the finale battle will be won. I also liked Snow’s message of New Beginnings (this is how I like Snow filled with Hope)
Henry being super useful in this episode. I wish they had done this more often. I loved when he hit Gideon with the fire extinguisher
LOVED the ending montage felt like the series ending and I really do wish they had ended it there.
We had to assume a lot of things in this episode because there was not enough time. Can you imagine what we could have gotten if they had not wasted episodes on Aladdin and Jasmine, Hook killing David’s father, and sorry guys the musicale. I wish they had concentrated more on our main characters and what they were doing than wasting time.
Poor Belle still did not get much screen time and never got her heroic mother moment. I would have loved to see her defeating the black fairy.
They played with how the hat worked and I don’t get how Emma was connected to all the other realms
Jasmine and Aladdin still don’t care about them, don’t want to see them, they are wasting time that needs to be spent on characters we care about.
May 15, 2017 at 12:16 am #338620Bar Farer
Participant311 was a better series finale.
"All your questions are pointless"
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