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April 26, 2015 at 1:44 pm #302645
ParticipantWhen coming to the forums . . . I always love this thread . . . What were your FAVORITE AND LEAST FAVORITE MOMENTS from this episode 4 X 20 MOTHER . . .
[adrotate group="5"]May 3, 2015 at 9:15 pm #303595RumplesGirl
KeymasterThere’s a lot of “okay, sure” going on in my head right now. On the one hand, I thought parts of this episode were well done and compelling. But there were still moments where I kept asking, “what is the point of this??”
ETA: giving it a 7.5/10
–“He was a lot of things to me.” I hurt. All over. It still hurts. I’m glad Emma openly acknowledged Neal while standing in his apartment. But something tells me that’s it; there will be no more Neal mentions ever again.
–The Mal/Lily reunion at the end was very nicely done and acted by both KvbS and Agnes.
–Good CGI on the dragon this time around. At least better than the last few.
–A new black book! Fascinating.
–Regina rising above and NOT wiping a baby out of existence. I may believe in a woman’s right to chose but Zelena did not consent to that and it would have left a very bad taste in my mouth.
–“She looks like me!” LOL
–“Oh look. Another woman redeemed through the love of a man.” <–which I actually forget how much I loathe Zelena for a hot second.
–I called that Lily’s blood would be needed for the ink!! (go me!)
–Loved Regina’s evil queen get up in the flashbacks
–Emma forgiving her parents. It was nice but I would have preferred if she came to it on her own and not after Hook told her what she should have realized on her own.
–Rumple. Bobby is still a fantastic actor but it’s getting harder to watch him because he’s just so Not! Rumple. However, this new DO twist is rather interesting.
–The flashbacks. I love Barbara Hershey but these flashbacks felt unnecessary. Like Cora was inserted for no reason. They could have easily had Regina come to the conclusion about being barren without the Cora stuff, even though I enjoy her.
–No Belle
–The Sheriff hitting on Cora.
–No let’s NOT give Roland a memory potion. Let’s TALK TO HIM.
–Did not need the Sheriff of Nottingham and ESPECIALLY did not need his groping of Regina. EW
–That poofy ball gown was hideous
–Barely any Henry
–I feel very underwhelmed by the entire QoD plot line. The real story has been the Author and the book. Not the Qod.
"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"May 3, 2015 at 9:21 pm #303603WickedRegal
I pretty much liked all of it…not much to dislike on my end. But I loved the fact that the Author admitted that out of all the characters, Regina has been screwed over the most….now I’m just waiting for a reason why.
Sherriff pretending to be Robin Hood….no…just no.
"If you go as far as you can see...you will then see enough to go even further." - Finn Balor
May 3, 2015 at 9:40 pm #303618Keb
–All the call-backs. This ep gave me a sense of connecting back to a lot of the action that’s developed all the characters over the seasons.
–Mommy Mal.
–Desperate Rumple explaining to Regina she doesn’t want to face him without his last bit of humanity.
–Emma’s reconciliation with her parents.
–I liked the backstory, though it needed more Will (and some suggestion that my headcanon of this being when Cora took Henry Sr. to Wonderland is accurate. Still headcanoning it like crazy).
–Regina’s sparkly Evil Queen dress in the latter part. OMG, loved.
–Eager Author writing a new twist.
–No. Belle. Feels like an actual betrayal this time when they put out promo pics FEATURING Belle. All that buildup in the last episodes on the plots she’s actually involved in and…nothing. And now we’re going right into finale time (At least it looks like she’ll get to be in that for a second or two.)
–Hardly any Henry. They said in one of the interviews that he’s going to play a major part in the finale. Anyone who came in for Frozen and missed the first couple seasons is going to be like, who’s this kid? I mean, seriously.
–No Will. Whatever they planned to do with him, they didn’t. And I’m actually MAD about it now because they said in one of the interviews that they’re not really going to tell us his story this season after all. Which means, probably never. No fair.
…I…I’m excited for the finale and I ENJOYED this episode and I’m still coming out of the experience angry. I can’t explain.
Keeper of Belle's Gold magic, sand dollar, cloaks, purple FTL outfit, spell scroll, library key, copy of Romeo and Juliet, and cry-muffling pillow, Rumple's doll, overcoat, and strength, and The Timeline. My spreadsheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6r8CySCCWd9R0RUNm4xR3RhMEU/view?usp=sharing
May 3, 2015 at 9:41 pm #303619Sweets
ParticipantI actually really liked this episode.
I liked the very adult conversation Regina and Robin had. It just needed to be much longer.
The Author’s speech to Regina was so meta. I loved it.
Regina’s blacksliding made a lot of sense. She is so impulsive and fueled by anger, she is easily manipulated. Which is exactly what happened.
Loved Mal and Lily. (I’m not crying) But I really want to know how old Mal is. She seems so wise. I hope she can stay!
– Zelena’s gloating over a pregnancy. Way to continue the cycle of abuse, Z. It’s a shame she seems to have no need for this baby besides trying to hurt Regina.
Regina acting so impulsively (again) and drinking that potion. NOOOOOOOO!
–No let’s NOT give Roland a memory potion. Let’s TALK TO HIM.
Really, this is a problem because HELLO BABY!
May 3, 2015 at 11:01 pm #303649nevermore
ParticipantI actually liked this episode, and I’ve been mega-grumpy about OUAT for really I don’t know how long.
The Author. That story arc is actually interesting, intriguing, and doesn’t feel juvenile. It’s more than the now rather stale “i can haz all your happy endings!” individual-level drama, and the flotilla of angsty ships. The dialogue is very meta, and Patrick Fischler just nails it — Isaac is such a shifty character, and it’s kinda perfect.
Mal. Mal is awesome. Although I do wonder what the next week of teaching Lily to be a dragon going to be like. Are they going to go burn down patches of random forest? Steal a few sheep?
The Charmings. Apart from Snow’s ridiculous decision to charge a very angry dragon, it was nice to see them actually learn from their mistakes and not repeat them. So when Mal came to them asking for help, there was no more “You’re a villain! You have cooties! You can’t play with us!”
Yay! for character growth.
Emma mentioned Neal’s importance to her. It was perfunctory, but it’s nice to have her acknowledge it. Sad. But nice.
Regina/Zelena/Robin. I appreciate Regina and Robin trying to work with the hand they’ve been dealt. And good on Regina, I suppose, for showing a bit of restraint in the end and not writing Zelena and her unborn baby out of existence. But… limited access with visitation rights? Well, I suppose it makes sense.
Rumple – So, is he essentially dead? Did the author bring him back to life when he wrote himself out of Zelena’s room? Intrigued by what happens when the DO is there but “no one is home.” But also, not looking forward to it. Though I think this is foreshadowing. I think there’s a good chance that Rumple the man dies, probably at the end of the AU, once it “reverts” back to normal, and the DO, perhaps occupying Rumple’s body or perhaps released from it, wreaks havoc on SB — :-/
Rumple/Regina. It’s interesting to see Regina leave Rumple in the dust as soon as she got her hands on the pen. I know there’s bad blood between them, but essentially I think this is symptomatic of the villains MO more generally, and makes me think that Regina still has a way to go — the no holds barred attitude as soon as one of the other villains shows any sign of weakness has been a systematic trait. They actually can’t work together without backstabbing each other at the first opportunity. Good call, Mal, for going to the Charmings.
Regina/Cora. I had always wondered whether Regina had fertility issues, and hence why she chose to adopt Henry. It’s nice to see an explanation, but it felt a bit forced. So Cora essentially set her up on a bad date, and then revealed that she wants grandchildren. Seems like the reaction is just a tad extreme. I suppose it shows how afraid Regina was of Cora’s ability to manipulate things to her advantage.
No Will, no Belle, no Henry.
Yeeeesss, lets give Roland something that’ll erase his memory of the past however many months and not deal with all the #awkward! Fantastic idea! Isn’t magic grand? Makes parenting so much easier! Abracadabra, and you don’t have to deal with all those messy things!
The Sheriff of Nottingham. What a catch.
May 3, 2015 at 11:47 pm #303668RumplesGirl
KeymasterCan’t believe I forgot this
“I borrowed a rabbit.”
GUYZ. It’s my BUNNY. In his JAUNTY LITTLE HAT. (god, I was obsessed with that rabbit and hit hat)
"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love"May 4, 2015 at 12:07 am #303672onceaholic
All the Cora and Regina scenes
I am glad we got an explanation for a lack of a child post Leopold’s death. Now we need one for while he was alive. Are we to assume that he visited Regina on the night of their wedding to consummate their marriage and that was it? Maybe it was.
Points lost for:
-Robin walking in on Regina changing her mind about doing something to Zelena. Robin wouldn’t know exactly what happened, but with the author there and his pen poised, I think it is pretty obvious what her intentions were, and Robin should have grilled Regina about what she was about to do, not snog her.
-Regina on the rampage in general. She has come too far for that, surely?
8/10 so far.
Keeper of Regina's bravery
May 4, 2015 at 6:35 am #303697PriceofMagic
Emma acknowledging Neal and that Zelena killed him- It’s nice for Emma to remember that Neal actually existed but remembering should’ve happened sooner within the season.
The Sheriff of Nottingham and Cora- I just found his assessment of Robin Hood to be really funny. “a sanctimonious blowhard who thinks he’s better than all the other thieving scum because he steals from the rich to give to the poor and won’t shut up about it” Definitely my favourite line from the episode.
Cora- “yes, hello, get out Henry” and her assessment of Robin as “a married, moralising sap” I wish Cora had been kept around as a regular character, she gets some of the best lines. In fact the Cora and Nottingham partnership was interesting.
Zelena- “Ooooh visitors. I’ll put the kettle on” As much as I don’t like Zelena as a character, I do like her snark sometimes.
Maleficent and Lily- Maleficent is just in awe that her daughter is there alive in front of her. It’s quite sweet. Also the “stay for one week” is a nice callback to season 1 where Henry asked Emma to stay for just a week.
Maleficent going to the Charmings for advice and help- This is when Snowing is at their best, when they’re helping people.
Snow not being instantly okay after hitting her head- It adds a little realism.
The author and Rumple- I quite like this little partnership. The author showing concern and loyalty to Rumple even though Rumple doesn’t want any fuss.
The flashbacks- When do the flashbacks take place? Judging by Regina’s demeanour, I’m guessing this is after she goes Evil Queen so after Leopold dies but Cora says she had an encounter with Tinkerbell. When did Tinkerbell get to Neverland? How did she get there? Tinkerbell lost her wings at least a good 5 years before Regina became Evil Queen if not longer, so how long was Tinkerbell in the EF before she went to Neverland?
Hook antagonising Rumple in the diner- Why can’t Hook leave Rumple alone? There was no reason for Hook to go in and gloat other than he felt “brave” because Rumple couldn’t do anything without making his situation worse then in the next scene Hook’s pretending to be all sweetness and light for Emma. It’s two-faced. What is the writers intentions with Hook? If they’re trying to play him as redeemed, why have him pull the crap he does with Rumple? If they’re trying to play up his dark side then why doesn’t it feel like that is what the narrative is aiming for? I get that Hook and Rumple don’t like each other but Hook is going out of his way to antagonise Rumple for no other reason than he can.
Regina with Rumple and Lily- Proof that Regina isn’t fully redeemed. She may play nice to get what she wants but she is prepared to throw anyone under the bus if they stand in her way. For me, this episode all but confirms that Regina stole Belle’s heart without Belle’s consent and that she actually would’ve crushed Belle’s heart if it came down to it. Regina is not as redeemed as she likes to think she is.
Emma looking to Hook as she’s making up with Snow- It’s irritating that she’s checking with him to make sure she’s doing it right. Hook just annoyed me this episode big time.
Regina and Zelena- Regina is so hypocritical. When Rumple wanted to kill Zelena in 3B because she enslaved him and killed his son, Regina was all for giving her a second chance. Now that Zelena has targeted someone that REGINA cares about, Regina is a lot less forgiving.
Hook- Hook this episode is just
Regina planning to take Zelena’s baby and only allow her visiting rights- I get the impression that Zelena wouldn’t abandon her baby because of what Cora did to her so Regina taking it from her is cruel. She’s effectively planning on making Zelena watch from a distance as her own child calls Regina “mommy” all so that Regina can get her happy ending. Regina is selfish.
All magic comes with a price!
Keeper of FelixMay 4, 2015 at 8:27 am #303720RumplesGirl
KeymasterHook antagonising Rumple in the diner- Why can’t Hook leave Rumple alone?
Bigger question: why is everyone in SB suddenly okay with Rumple just walking into Granny’s and chillin’? Don’t all the peasants know that he was kicked out and then returned with three villains? Even if they don’t know about the ‘change the story’ plot, him just sitting in Granny’s so casually was just WEIRD.
"He was a lot of things to me" "The only conclusion was love" -
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