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If I am not mistaken Henry did say to Emma in one of the first episodes that he has not figured out who Mr. Gold was in the Book.
[adrotate group="5"]charmingParticipantI think the book was a collections of stories that the fairies wrote down over the years. Rumple got a hold of it and edited his story out of it but there is still an original version of the book with everything. The book Henry has is the Rumple edited version that was recovered from him and passed onto MM then Henry.
charmingParticipantThey will call her Princess Emma next season or at someone will. Henry will call her mom. She’ll have a hard time calling Snow and Charming, Mom and Dad but eventually it will happen. In fact I think after she leaves the hospital she’ll look for them first or they will look for Emma.
charmingParticipantMaybe they are setting Bae up to be Jack and the Beanstalk. I think that the curse is only partly broken. I always felt the first step was everyone remembering who they are. They are all going to be in SB with FTL memories, so everyone is going to be out of sorts and will be taking it out on one person but it should be two. Perhaps, the nightmare in the first minutes of episode 21 where they lynch Regina may come true in some way.
charmingParticipant@Lissy wrote:
Two other questions to theorize about….Will Rumple seek revenge against Regina for imprisoning Belle and how? Will Rumple’s relationship with Belle last throughout the “final battle”?
Rumple usually has others doing the dirty work for him or to have them go on the road of self destruction. Everyone is going to already turn on her after remembering and there is still a matter of the deal struck for Ashley’s baby Alexandra. So the way I see it season 2’s scoreboard already is Rumple 2 and Regina 0. Besides Regina has already made a new enemy Jefferson and after the events of the last 15 minutes I am wondering Jeff’s relationship to Rumple.
The realtionships of Rumple will come down to a choice and I believe will be down to three has to pick: Power, Bae or Belle. The only way I can see him leave with 2 of 3 is if he gives up power but I do not see that happening anytime soon. Once a person gets power it is hard to give it up.
charmingParticipantOh yeah how does Regina know King george?
charmingParticipantThere’s still more to tell about Red’s backstory. The relationship Regina had with Maleficent. How the blind witch got a hold of the apple? There is also a gap of at least 7 years form when Young Snow meeting Regina to when Leopold is murdered. Princess Abilgail and Frederick and what the hell happened to King Midas????
charmingParticipantI do not think we can officially confirm Pinnochio as dead. He did turn completely into wood when we saw him but that was before Emma gave Henry true love’s kiss to break the curse. We still do not know if the broken curse changed Pin’s condition.
charmingParticipant@LisaFromOH wrote:
Now that we’ve seen Maleficent die (presumably, since she seemed to explode), do you guys think we will see her back story? I hope so, since I love Sleeping Beauty, but I doubt they will because of the very ending of the episode and Maleficent being dead. Of course, they could go about 50 different ways with season 2 so I hope I’m wrong. But, I repeat, what do you guys think?
Not necessarily. That can just show the FTL side of her story without the SB. They did bring back the Huntsman without Graham. Sleeping Beauty can can have SB character. Well right now it is safe to say that every FTL person does not have a SB counterpart. David and MM confirming that by calling each other Charming and Snow in the streets of SB.
charmingParticipant@Lorem Ipsum wrote:
I believe that was Confucious (sp)
Yes it was Confucius.