Thank you for your patience as we took down our old forums and migrated to a new, faster, and smarter system. The new forums are now online!
Visit the new Once Upon a Time forums
All posts are still there, and your same username and password will start work, too!
As with any change, there will be some bumps along the way. We’re keeping a running list of things to fix and stuff you should know about the new forums. If you run into major bugs, please email
If you created a new account between June 26 and June 30, 2013, then you may need to recreate your account because it may have been deleted with a bunch of spam accounts that came in through a temporary security hole.
We think you’ll like the new forums; they’re faster, more extensible, automatically embed YouTube videos and tweets just from URLs, and it will be easier for us to adapt the new forums to be mobile-friendly.