Forum Replies Created
Participant1. (if season 6 will be the last) I hope they won’t introduce more/new characters in season 6B anymore. Bring the focus back on the core characters (work on their dynamics and character development, and work on wrapping up their story) and let the supporting players shine again like in season 1 (as in let the seven dwarves and those in Snowing’s round table help-Granny, Red, Blue, Geppetto, etc.- not just show them for the sake of making their presence known). If they’re going to bring a new villain, please let it not be because of personal vendetta against the Evil Queen or Rumple where everyone gets to be collateral damage.
2. Less CS making doe eyes at each other. Give them a realistic storyline (something everyone can relate to), and more scenes with Hook interacting with the others and not make his purpose for existing because of Emma.
3. Bring the strong Emma Swan back that we’ve known from earlier seasons. Give her a real challenge, and not just have her go to the Underworld to save her boyfriend. Whatever happened to “Sorry, the only one who saves me is me?” I want the Savior back.
4. Stop making Belle look like the most naive bookworm that ever graced the show. She, more than anyone else, deserves a happy ending. She shouldn’t be the one paying for Rumple’s mistakes.
5. A Regina vs the Evil Queen battle in the end. Make her realized that the darkness inside her is okay, so long as she doesn’t give in to it. After all, she’s doing a great job keeping herself together anyway.
6. Also, idk why, but I kinda want Regina to fall under the sleeping curse, perhaps have the Evil Queen do it herself. Oh, the irony! Maybe then Robin can find her and wake her up while she’s in the burning red room (or she goes with him in the end). This show has broken dozens of rules of their own anyway, so why not go crazier with the plot? I would also want, in the end, for Snow and Charming to die protecting Emma and baby Neal.
7. For Regina to adopt Roland, because Robin would have wanted her to look after his son, or at the very least, give us a proper Regina-Roland goodbye.
8. Stop putting Snow and Charming on the sidelines. They’ve “benched” them for far too long, it’s time they put their focus back on them (I’ve read somewhere that “people don’t ship Snowing anymore because they’re boring). I find it insulting because the show started with them. Also, is Prince Neal ever gonna grow a year/months or is he gonna stay an infant for the rest of the show?
9. Give VioletBeliever time for their relationship to actually grow. Please, no making out in the bug or Mr. Gold’s shop.
10. Bring the focus back on hope and family dynamics. Enough with storylines for the sake of shipping. If the show is ending, the least thing A&E could do is make us remember why we loved the show in the first place, back in season 1.
[adrotate group="5"]"There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked
May 9, 2016 at 7:49 pm in reply to: FAVORITE AND LEAST FAVORITE MOMENTS from this episode 5 x 21 LAST RITES #323316Jhack
ParticipantI wasn’t planning on even joining the conversation, and even as I’m typing this I was having second thoughts, but this episode just wrecked me in all sorts of way so, here goes nothing:
— Snowing reunion. Especially with their theme. I never thought it would make me happy seeing them together again.
— the underground scene with Robin and Regina. Serious season 3 feels!
— Merida’s one-liners (“We’re literally drowning with books”). I love her. I wish we could keep her and Hades on the show.
— Hades’ deception. I totally saw that coming. It was a shame that his intentions were not pure because I was secretly rooting for him and Zelena.
— Sean, Lana, Bex and Greg’s acting on Robin’s death scene. It was so well-acted. Major props to Lana and Bex, those two women are so good.
— the roses in the arrow. very fitting.MIXED:
Regina’s blank face expression during Robin’s funeral scene. The fact that she didn’t even shed a tear means that something is going on in her head, and I’m not sure whether I like it or not.DISLIKED:
— Robin’s death. To kill yet another hero; a great father who’s far better than Hook ever will be… SMH. I realized I didn’t care about Hook or anyone else after this scene. I had to painfully watch it again to understand whatever happened next.
— “It’s time to take you where you belong.” I don’t get this. How was whatever Hook did enough for him to deserve to come back to life more than Robin? Robin Hood literally put himself in front of the line, and sacrificed himself to protect Regina.
— Emma grieving on Hook’s grave. Because she never did this to Neal. And he was her first love. NOT FAIR.
— Roland putting the arrow on the grave. Poor babe didn’t even get to say goodbye. I’m sure they’ll save that deleted scene for the DVD extras but it would’ve made things less painful if they included that in the episode.
— Robin. Lame name. What, are they running out of baby names or are their creative juices drying out? And I agree, RG, I don’t care what her name is, it’s Baby Pistachio.
— Hook’ come back and CS kissing in front of Robin’s grave. Yet another way to rub salt in the wound. Why couldn’t they just have him come back in the finale? It was just so disrespectful."There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked
ParticipantGot this from Twitter:
"There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked
Participant1) Favorite Episode?
It’s Not Easy Being Green and Kansas – It was nice to see the show’s version of how the Wicked Witch became wicked. As for Kansas, I loved it because, well, it was cool to see Regina’s change.
2) Least Favorite Episode?
It’s a toss up between Quiet Minds (for obvious reasons), The Jolly Roger simply because I think that Blackbeard was a big fat filler, and The Tower. Again, the Rapunzel storyline was a big fat filler that could’ve been told differently. I was expecting more from her.
3) What did you think of Zelena as a character/villain?
I really didn’t expect Rebecca Mader to be this good. I have never seen Lost, and I only know her from The Devil Wears Prada so when I heard about the news that she was cast as the Wicked Witch of the West, I was on the fence. I am a big Wicked fan, so when it comes to the Wicked Witch, the only name that comes to mind is Idina Menzel. However, Rebecca Mader’s own take on the role was so good I hated her for it. Both Zelena and Pan were great villains, and although I hate Zelena for being uber jealous with tons of excess baggage, I almost don’t want her vanquished at the end of Kansas because she was too good of a villain. She’s like Cora to me; I don’t mind seeing her again in the future episodes.
4) Favorite moment?
The very first OutlawQueen kiss in Bleeding Through, Regina finding out that Robin Hood was the man with the lion tattoo (in Quiet Minds), Regina defeating Zelena in Kansas, the RumBelle wedding and my ultimate favorite, Emma telling Hook, “YOU ARE A STALKER!!!” in New York City Serenade. It never fails to make me laugh.
5) Overall rating for the season?
I really like this season and I would give it a ten, but the fact that they killed Nealfire and broke SwanFire makes me wanna punch them in the face, so I’d give it an 8.5. I like the fact that they focused more on the story (despite killing Neal) and avoided introducing all of the fairytale characters from around every possible realm, which sometimes doesn’t make sense.
And what sort of unanswered questions do you have?
Where is Mulan? Why is Henry considered as having the heart of the truest believer? What does Tink think of Emma ruining Regina’s chance at true love (I’m still sore about it)? And now that Meghan Ory’s show has been axed, does that mean she’s going back? I hope so.
"There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked
ParticipantI know rose McIver has been cast on another show but I really hop we’ll see her in s4 to know what she thinks about this. I mean, after all, she’s the one who led Regina to her soulmate. I wonder if Regina’s lovelife also changes when Emma changed her parent’s past? I really feel bad about Regina because her love life was shattered again and it was Snow’s daughter who caused it.
"There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked
ParticipantThe problem with Emma is that she treats all of this as something she needs to do rather than something she wants. Because why didn’t she just use her magic to save Hook? Why resort to the good old mouth to mouth resuscitation instead of using what she has learned from Regina? I do believe that Emma is just as powerful as Regina or Zelena (maybe even more powerful) but she just has to fully believe in the world she’s in. Maybe the only way she’ll believe is if she’s get thrown in the Enchanted Forest so she’ll learn what it’s (really) like to be in her parent’s shoes (rather than falling through a portal like in s2 and the only welcoming wagon that greeted her was Cora and her dome, Aurora, Mulan, and the ghost-town EF). But I like the Henry-giving-her-TLK part.
"There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked
ParticipantOh yeah, you’re right. Elphaba did die in the novel. But no, she didn’t come back to life in Son of a Witch. The show could go the musical route and I agree, Zelena might have faked her death when Dorothy tried throwing her a bucket of water, just like Elphaba did in the musical. Maybe they could even go as far as Elphaba getting mad at Dorothy (and Glinda) because Glinda gave the poor child her magical slippers to get back to Kansas. That’s why Zelena was greenified when Dorothy threw the bucket of water at her in the promos. She was envy because the kid will get what she wants while Zelena’s still stuck in Oz.
"There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked
ParticipantOne Wicked-related that I think Adam and Eddy did with the show was (if/when) Dorothy tried throwing a bucket of water at the Wicked Witch and it didn’t work. I mean, obviously it didn’t work because the Dorothy showed in the promo is from the past (right?) and Zelena’s still alive (at present). Unless, of course, they can find another water with some sort of even more powerful magic than the ones Dorothy used.
And didn’t A&E once said that it’s gonna take more than just a bucket of water to defeat Zelena?
"There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked
ParticipantSo how did they ensure that it would be Regina who would break the curse with TLK with Henry?
It seems to me that Henry is the only light in Regina’s darkness. Looking back at the season 3 promo where Regina’s poster said “Believe that a mother’s love is stronger than her dark heart”, I think maybe it was because aside from her father (excluding Daniel and Robin), the only person Regina truly loved is Henry. So perhaps when Regina kissed Henry, it was her genuine love for her son that broke the curse. Plus, Regina can “feel” even without her heart; that’s got to be saying something. After all, true love can break any curse. As to why her, I think the promo poster says it all, her love (with or without a heart) is stronger than her dark heart, which is clearly enough to break her sister’s forgetting potion.
"There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked
ParticipantSpeaking of hearts, I wonder if Regina’s heart will even work. For the curse to be done, the heart of the thing they love the most is required – Regina used her father’s, and Rumple said that he was the one Zelena loved most. Does Zelena even feel a slightest love for her half-sister? Or did Zelena simply need it to be Regina’s because they’re related? For some reason, I don’t think Regina having a ‘resilient’ heart is enough reason for Zelena to want her sister’s heart so much.
"There are bridges you cross you didn't know you cross until you've crossed." -- Glinda Upland, Wicked