Could Tinkerbell be a nun and Dr. Whale be Peter Pan?
Love the show, love the podcast! This episode was so awesome and full of stuff.
Maybe there’s more evidence to Dr. Whale being Peter Pan. He was asking about the nuns, if they were still nuns and all that… Maybe he saw Tinkerbell and wanted to know? I thought that was funny! He even told David not to say anything to anyone. Can that mean anything?
Hugs from Brazil!
Maybe only Jefferson and Regina can leave
So in the most recent episode of ABC’s podcast about the show, the creators made me aware that Gold did indeed have a time where he didn’t remember his fairy-tale past. So it was indeed when he heard Emma’s name that he remembered. So only Jefferson and Regina would have just one set of memories. They could leave Storybrooke
Several theories from Tim
Hello AugustWBooth aka Tim here.
So first I have a very good reason why i was not there last night for your initial reactions. So it is thanksgiving here in Canada and my cousin stayed over to sleep over with my brother. My brother said “Do you want to watch Once Upon a Time with us?” He said yes and so we watched it all together and then I felt the need to share my Once dvd with him. We watched up until the death of our beloved Graham and so now he is addicted. We stayed up till like 2:00 am. It was insane and awesome.
“So simple even David Nolan could do it” is my new phrase for simplicity.
On the “no interference” policy: What is Gold up to????????? Ah the question we have been asking since the beginning of the series continues. Because why would James want to interfere with having Gold get his son back when that is what James wants—his child back.
So thats where Emma and Snow end up. Meeting Kora, does Snow know the name? They will bring kora back to story brooke and then Kora will be the new villain. This could possibly be one of the best Once Upon a Time episodes
So thanks a million if you get to read this
August w booth (aka Tim)
Don’t redeem all the villains!
I did find it a fun episode. Here are my thoughts in regards of season 2, I’m all for some villains redeeming themselves. But right now it feels like they are trying to redeem all their villains. I like Rumpel as a villain, I like Regina as a villain, if you make all your villains redeemable and redeem them, there isn’t much conflict. Yeah they can try to return to the Enchanted Forest, but they need antagonists. I feel like the show will lose a lot of depth if Regina and Rumpel are redeemed to soon or earlier. Thanks
Single-memory people can leave, Cora as QoH and Miller’s daughter, town hall scene similar to pilot, David’s sword
First, I really like that the border of Storybrooke was addressed really early. The fact that they go back to their cursed state makes me wonder. What would happen to those that only had 1 memory (ie Regina, Gold, and Jefferson) passed the border?
A lot of important back-story was revealed in this episode, including teases to 2 character secrets. Those 2 being the following:
-Cora possibly being the Queen of Hearts -Cora being the millers daughter from the original Rumpelstiltskin story.
When Regina interrupted the meeting at the town hall, that felt very familiar of the pilot, not just because of Mark Isham’s score for that moment, but yes, very familiar.
Another thing, where did David find his sword? Did Emma leave it somewhere after the finale?
Anyways, great episode can’t wait to see more 😀
Regina and Cora might reunite?
Hey Daniel and Once Podcast crew!
Now that Regina realizes what she’s become and the mistakes she made as Henry’s mother, I think she really does want to redeem herself. If this happens, remains to be seen. Since we know Cora is still alive in the refugee part of Fairytale Land, I think at some point Regina and Cora will reunite. This would be an interesting reunion to say the least!
Keep up the great work and thanks for reading my e-mail!
Regina redeemed in S2? David and Regina similar. Cora & Rumple
It was interesting to see more of Regina’s backstory this past episode. Before this episode even premiered, my boyfriend and I were talking about Regina possibly being redeemed this season. I think it would be nice to see her redeemed, just not this season. But it seems that is exactly what the writers have in mind. I’m still not convinced that she wants to be redeemed since she did not burn the magic book.
On the flip side, back in fairytale land, we saw her try and run away from her impending wedding like what James tried to do (2 days before his wedding). But Cora stopped Regina by using the vine trick Evil Regina likes using later on.
I had a feeling Regina was the baby from “The Miller’s Daughter,” story and I think, this episode just confirmed it. But it also raises the question, what was the deal that Cora made with Rumple in exchange for giving Regina to Rumple? Was it to get magic? Because Henry Sr. said that Cora knew Rumple before she married him.
I love how once you use magic, it’s an analogy for using drugs which is true, because even Rumple is addicted to magic.
Can’t wait to listen to the live show.
Regina’s necklace is a tree, like Storybrooke’s
I am rewarching episode 2 of ouat, and I just noticed regina’s necklace when she is in the enchanted Dorset talking to rumple for the first time, the design engraved in the charm is the storybrooke tree… Thank you for the podcast… I am obsessed, you rock!!!!!!!!!
Could Rumplestiltskin be Regina’s father?
Hi Once Podcast. Love the show and podcast. While watching this weeks episode my one friend had an interesting theory. Rumpel is Regina’s father. When Rumpel says he knew Regina when she was more portable or a baby you immediately would think he made a deal to give her to Cora. However, when he talks to Regina he seems to have a stronger link than just that with her. I thought he was going to tell her something when he clutched her face and looked at her, but moved his eyes like he decided against it. Additionally, he looks at Regina in a somewhat weird way when he says she does not look like Cora. Just a thought since their relationship seemed to be stronger than what Rumpel has with others as portrayed previously in fairy tale land.
Joan Bryant
Might Henry Sr. not be Regina’s father?
Hey guys love the podcast, I was wondering in regards to Regina & Cora learning their magic from Rumpel. Is it possible that Henry might not be her true father, or since that sounded a little disgusting. Can it be possible that Cora be the queen of hearts, & might have yet another daughter OTHER than Regina because I don’t think that Maleficent is her real sister?
Woman who lived in a shoe at Charming’s speech
Hey Podcasters, When watching the last episode “We are Both” I couldn’t help notice that during Charming’s great speech at the border of Storybrooke I couldn’t help notice that when he said “Heck live in a shoe for all you want” there was a close up of an elderly women. ….. Do y’all think we will see the Little Old women who lived in a shoe story to come into play this season?
Thanks for the Great podcast Kaitlyn/ RoseRed
Once Upon a Harry Potter
Hey Daniel, Jenny and Jeremy and dan,
Isn’t the world lovely now that once upon a time is back? i can’t wait to speculate wildly with you guys. to celebrate the new season i Drew a comic based on my favourite moment of episode one
Henry’s Magical Proposition and Regina’s Redemption
In the ONCE podcast episode on ‘We Are Both,’ the hosts tackle the emotionally charged proposition of Henry to Regina, offering her the chance to teach him magic. They draw parallels to Regina’s own experiences with her mother, Cora, illuminating the cyclical nature of magic and its influence over generations. The hosts poignantly dissect Regina’s internal conflict; her yearning for Henry’s love stands as a beacon of hope, pushing against the darkness of her past deeds. The question of whether Regina can genuinely redeem herself or if her grip on magic is too firmly rooted in her identity provides rich fodder for the hosts’ discussion.
Speaker A emphasizes the poignancy of Henry’s choice and the symbolism it carries; the act is not merely a narrative twist but a mirror reflecting Regina’s longstanding dilemma – the allure of power versus the quest for love and forgiveness. The hosts probe into Regina’s wavering resolve, surmising that her reluctance to let go of magic implies a deeply seated fear that without it, her chances of redemption might flounder. Her magic represents both her strength and her Achilles’ heel, further complicating her journey towards finding peace within herself. This dilemma highlights the show’s intricate character writing and the authentic struggle between light and shadow within one’s soul.
Delving deeper, the hosts speculate about the future of Regina and her relationship with magic. Will there be a tipping point that pushes her to relinquish her powers, or will she find a way to harmonize her dualistic nature? The listeners are invited to contemplate this quintessential struggle, encapsulating the essence of the show’s moral quandaries. This segment of the podcast serves as a testament to the show’s ability to weave a narrative where characters are constantly at the mercy of their innermost desires and the decisions that ensue, a theme that resonates profoundly with the ONCE audience.
The Complex Dynamics Between Cora and Regina
The ‘We Are Both’ episode discussion further evolves as the hosts delve into the intricate relationship between Cora and Regina. Probing the tangled web of their mother-daughter dynamic, Daniel, Jeremy, and Jenny contemplate the potential for an alliance between these two powerful figures. They dissect scenes hinting at Cora’s desire to control and the possibility of Regina falling back under her influence. The talk circles around the fascinating prospect of these two characters teaming up against a common enemy, the enigmatic Rumple, weighing their combined might against his ancient cunning. The rumors of such a sinister coalition spell out dire implications for Storybrooke and its denizens.
As Daniel points out, Regina’s dichotomy is astutely depicted in her simultaneous struggle to win back Henry’s love while contemplating a reunion with her manipulative mother. This presents a curious scenario: can Regina fully embrace redemption if her past, in the form of Cora, re-enters her life? Will she succumb to old patterns, or can she forge a new path? The hosts lay bare the uncertainty looming over Regina’s head like a sword of Damocles, potentially undoing her every effort to change. They tease out the nuanced shades of morality in a show that consistently blurs the line between hero and villain.
The conversation about Cora and Regina branches into the wider consequences of their actions, infusing the podcast with a sense of anticipation. Cora’s introduction back into the narrative raises stakes to an all-time high, and the hosts skillfully stir speculation about her true intentions. Could Cora be seeking not just power but redemption of her own, or is she purely in pursuit of domination? The debate on ONCE podcast incites listeners to watch closely, scouring for clues within the TV show’s exquisitely complex storyline, and forming their own theories as the saga of Cora and Regina continues to unfold.
The Enigma of Storybrooke’s Past
Exploring the murky past of Storybrooke puts our hosts on a contemplative path, proposing that undiscovered events may lurk under the town’s seemingly tranquil surface. The discussion about the closure of the library spawns a variety of theories, including a past rebellion against Regina’s rule, possibly echoing a time when magic was met with greater resistance. Speaker A’s ‘crackpot theory’ ignites a discussion around the unknown disasters that may have befallen those who dared leave Storybrooke, opening the door to a plethora of narrative possibilities. The hosts connect these theories to the show’s storytelling fabric, noting how the town’s history is strategically revealed to maintain a shroud of mystery that enhances the overall suspense.
Further elucidating the enigma, the podcast espouses the idea that the library itself may hold truths about the townsfolk and their past lives – truths that Regina wishes to keep buried. Speaker B suggests that the fabled book of fairy tales could have its origins within the library’s walls, serving as a narrative touchstone and a potential threat to Regina’s constructed reality. The host’s discussion ventures into the realm of meta-storytelling, postulating that the lines between fact and fiction in Storybrooke are artfully blurred, with the book as a linchpin to the town’s collective memory.
Building on this thread, Speaker C explores the closure of the library as a deliberate move by Regina to suppress insurrectionary sentiments, possibly quelling historical narratives that could inspire the townspeople to question and potentially upend her authority. As Jeremy points out, this offers a glimpse into the deep-seated control Regina exerts over Storybrooke, manipulating not just its present but also its past. The hosts’ voyage through Storybrooke’s untold history invites listeners to consider the power of narration as both a means of control and emancipation, encouraging a re-examination of the storytelling frameworks that underpin ‘Once Upon a Time’ as well as our own perceived realities.
The Control and Recognition of Magic
The pivotal discussion on magic’s control and its implications takes center stage as the hosts dissect its role in the ‘Once Upon a Time’ universe. They navigate the nuances of Regina’s struggle with authority over her own magic and how it affects her quest for redemption. The podcast delves into Mr. Gold’s own surprise over certain events, which suggests an unpredictability to magic that even he, as Rumplestiltskin, finds disquieting. Daniel emphasizes the complexity of Regina’s conundrum; on one hand, she must reconcile her past misdeeds, and on the other, she must wield the very power that corrupted her.
As the conversation progresses, Jenny muses on the character recognition factor within the fairy tale scenarios depicted on screen. The hosts discuss whether Snow will come to recognize Cora and the profound repercussions such recognition could trigger. They highlight the show’s skill at portraying rich, interconnected backstories, reiterating how character recognition adds depth and tension to the ongoing drama. The contrast between storybook characters retaining their memories versus those who have lost them serves as a point of departure for exploring the theme of identity and belonging.
Regina’s knowledge of the Enchanted Forest safe haven and the ominous presence of ogres lead the hosts to examine the dangers lurking within a seemingly redemptive arc. The possibility that Jefferson may have described Emma to the inhabitants of the fairy tale land sparks further speculation, blurting the lines between prediction and coincidence. The trio conjectures the extent of Jefferson’s commitment to the cause, reflecting the show’s core theme of choice versus destiny. This rich discussion illustrates the multifaceted ways in which control over magic is intertwined with a character’s agency, adding a layer of intrigue to the characters’ motivations and to the narrative’s unfolding.
The Parallel Timelines and Lands
The ONCE podcast’s analysis of ‘Once Upon a Time’ often orbits the contrast between the show’s various settings, particularly the differentiation between ‘Fairy Tale Land’ and ‘Enchanted Forest.’ Daniel, Jeremy, and Jenny navigate the viewers through these parallel timelines, intertwining past and present to craft a comprehensive view of the show’s complex storytelling. The discussion unfurls into an appreciation of how the show connects myriad plot threads, masterfully meshing the characters’ past actions with their current dilemmas in Storybrooke and beyond. The inclusion of a ‘safe haven’ within the Enchanted Forest, post-curse, adds further layers to the hosts’ discourse, elevating the refugee status of some characters while others remain ensnared by their pasts.
When the hosts shift focus to specific scenes, such as Snow White discovering Daniel’s ring, they underscore the poignant emotional undercurrents that run deep in the show. The loves, losses, and redemptions of the characters are etched in the memories of each viewer, a testament to the show’s gripping narrative. They discuss how these moments are not just emotionally charged, but also narrative keystones that reveal the characters’ growth or serve as catalysts for future actions. Emotional connectivity, as the hosts point out, is a driving force in the narrative that consistently tugs at the heartstrings of its audience.
The trio also delves into the theoretical existence of portals, including the ‘looking glass’ that may provide access to Wonderland, leading to conjecture about Cora’s potential identity as the Queen of Hearts. The speculation extends to how the realm-jumping abilities of certain characters raise questions about the nature and limit of their powers. Regina’s and Mr. Gold’s dealings become a focal point of the discussion, as the hosts connect their intentions with the broader plot mechanics involving travel between realms. This portion of the podcast solidifies the importance of understanding the multifaceted landscapes within the story, emphasizing how the characters’ journey through these lands is symbolic of their own internal quest for self-discovery and redemption.
Rumpelstiltskin’s Enigmatic Past with Regina
Speculation runs rampant within the ONCE community as the hosts dissect the cryptic history between Rumpelstiltskin and Regina. The idea that Rumpelstiltskin may be Regina’s father sent shockwaves through the listeners, with the hosts citing pivotal scenes that could lend credence to this theory. Daniel explores the implications such a familial tie could have on the complex web of Storybrooke’s relations. The hosts entertain the idea that Regina’s likeness to someone from Rumpelstiltskin’s past may be more than a mere coincidence, adding a dimension of predestination to their interactions throughout the series.
Jeremy and Jenny contribute to the dialogue, considering the myriad ways in which Rumpelstiltskin’s manipulative strategies have shaped Regina’s destiny. The podcast wades into the murky waters of premeditated guidance versus free will, as they discuss the nuanced presentation of guidance and how it evolves into manipulation. They engage the audience in pondering Rumpelstiltskin’s clairvoyance, debating whether his foresight influences or merely predicts the paths the characters gravitate towards. The depth of Regina’s entanglement with her purported father figure, along with the ambiguity of his intentions, crafts the narrative into an even richer tapestry.
Elevating the discourse further, the podcast addresses the complex motivation behind Rumpelstiltskin’s actions. The hosts intimate that his pattern of deal-making reveals a pattern that the townsfolk of Storybrooke have yet to fully discern. They posit that while everyone may believe Regina to be the architect of the dark curse, it is in fact Gold—in his Rumplestiltskin persona—who lurks behind it, pulling the strings to serve his own enigmatic ends. This section of the podcast is a deep dive into the labyrinth of interwoven destinies, leaving listeners anchored to the notion that in ‘Once Upon a Time,’ everyone is bound to everyone else in a grand tapestry of cause, effect, and serendipity.
The Mystery of the Looking Glass
The hosts of the ONCE podcast turn their keen eyes to the enigma surrounding the looking glass and Mr. Gold’s broader machinations within the series. They dissect Gold’s unorthodox deal-making pattern, suggesting that each bargain is a piece of a larger puzzle he is assembling. One of the most burning questions poised by the show, and further fueled by the podcast, is the true purpose behind Gold’s collection of maps of the northeastern states—could it be linked to his pursuit of Bay, perhaps? The hosts warily tread the line between theory and potential spoiler, provoking a mindful scrutiny amongst the listeners for hints scattered throughout Storybrooke.
Delving into the implications of Regina’s recovered magic and her enigmatic association with the book, the podcast paints a broader picture of the magical and mortal coils entangling the characters. Marco, with his poignant bulletin board sign for Pinocchio, sparks a dialogue on whether this is a mere Easter egg for viewers or a foreshadowing of events to come. The conversation seamlessly transitions into examining other mythological references within the show, promoting the notion that the show is a patchwork of various mythologies, not solely confined to the traditional Greek tales.
As the ONCE podcast rounds out the discussion on the looking glass, the hosts emphasize the symbiotic nature of enchantment and storytelling within ‘Once Upon a Time.’ Taking cues from the scenes where Regina lies about the origins of the hat and denies any tie to Jefferson, the hosts elucidate the multi-layered facets of truth and deception interwoven throughout the show. This section of the podcast underlines the significance of these hidden threads and their potential unraveling, drawing a parallel between the uncertainty of the characters’ known world and the anticipation gripping the audience as the story continues its unpredictable ripple through both the Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke.