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With the Dreamshade’s poison making its way through Charming’s heart, Hook thought of a way to save his life, no matter what the cost may be. Meanwhile, in the past, Killian Jones and his brother Liam journeyed across the realm to find a magical plant that is powerful enough to cure any injury… or so they think.
Hook’s Backstory: The Jones Brothers
Somewhere in the past, brothers Killian and Liam Jones were tasked on a Hero’s Journey to find a magical plant that is said to be powerful enough to cure any injury. However, wherever Killian and Liam were from doesn’t seem to be the same as ours, because somehow they are familiar with magic, even know about Pegasus, Neverland, and Dreamshade. To which land were Killian and Liam Jones originally from? It was said that their kingdom/land is under some kind of war. What particular war was being fought and what time period are they in?
In the episode, it is constantly mentioned that the Jones brothers were under the employ of a king in the middle of a war. Now if this is an ogre war, it may be the same ogre war that not only Rumplestiltskin was drafted for, but the one that Baelfire would have been drafted for down the line. This means that Killian may have played a hand in the creation of his own worst enemy [aka Rumplestiltskin].
— Hunter
Does this happen during the Ogres War? In this Hook’s back story, he seem to be into fighting fair, but if a King is that willing to take risks in not only winning a war, but also erasing an entire race, them experiencing an Ogres war can be possible. Maybe even several years before we meet the crocodile and a bit before Bae was born? Were the Ogres aligned with certain human?
As the Jones brothers are about to begin their journey to Neverland, Liam handed a Sextant to his younger brother, Killian, which has the Pegasus on it.
This is just an observation, But I think that the magical sail Killian and his brother used to fly to NL is maybe a nod that we may be visiting the world of Olympus soon. And we all know who lives there. I think they may have gotten the feathers from Hercules’ pet Pegasus. Killian’s brother also explained that it was the last one in existence. This may also be a ticket off the island for our Neverland adventurers somehow. So is it possible that the Pegasus still exist?
— David
In the episode, it was indicated that the Pegasus sail that allowed the Jewel of the Realm to fly was from the last feathers of the Pegasus. Are we going to be introduced to Hercules in the future?
But without a magic bean, how did a flying ship such as Jewel of the Realm entered Neverland? Liam told a younger Killian that they are to follow the star chart. Is the second star to the right some kind of portal that opens a way to Neverland? Do they have to follow a specific ordinance or direction to get to the island?
Upon their arrival to Neverland, Pan welcomed them and asked if they were lost, also saying that he’s the only one. Pan also indicated that Neverland has no king, just him. Is he ruling Neverland even then? Did Pan brought even the mermaids to Neverland? It wasn’t implied but is Pan alone on the island when Hook and his brother set foot in it?
Liam Jones told Pan of their mission; to find a magical plant that can cure any injury. But how did they know of the Dreamshade in the first place? Do their king have some kind of catalog of plants? Also, how did they get the star chart? Who is Liam and Killian Jones’s king? It seemed like they come from a completely different kingdom but someone must have come back from Neverland before who knew of it.
Peter Pan asked the brothers if they are lost. Did he already knew that they were orphans? Did he somehow sensed that Killian is going to work for him in the future from the moment they met?
Assured that their king wasn’t lying, Liam Jones laced his arms with Dreamshade’s sap, proving to his younger brother that the boy they just met is lying, only to be proved otherwise. Pan told Killian of the water from the spring, which is said to be powerful enough to cure the poison. It seems that water has Neverland’s powers in it, if it has the ability to keep anyone young and heal any injury, even a deadly poison from Dreamshade. Is the spring’s water the reason why Pan (and the Lost Boys) doesn’t grow old? Is that why the Shadow was the one that takes children, because the physical form can’t leave Neverland? Pan can leave Neverland, can’t he?
Pan said that the water’s power is no exception when it comes to magic always coming with a price. Is dying the price to pay or is it just Pan enforcing that? Also, do the Lost Boys drink water from the spring when they lose their fingers?
The most well known [fountain of youth], in my opinion, is in “Pirates of the Caribbean 4.” In this rendition, when one reaches the fountain of youth, two must simultaneously drink from a goblet, one which contains the tear of a mermaid and the waters from the fountain. The other person drinks only the water from the fountain, and will die (kind of like the cora candle). I don’t believe that Charming will allow anyone to sacrifice his or her life for his own. However, I do believe the mermaid tear will be the key to making it possible for Charming to leave the island. It is how they will come across it that will make it fun and interesting!
— Julia
Can a mermaid’s tear (Ariel, perhaps) enable Charming to leave the island? Or will he need something bigger than that?
When Killian, Liam and the rest of their crew made their way back to their kingdom, what healed Liam seem to also be the reason for his death. Pan warned Killian not to leave the island unless he’s willing to pay it. But while his brother died because of the Dreamshade’s poison, Killian’s reasons for becoming a pirate was honorable in some way. A Hero’s Journey is, indeed, a good form but why did he told his crew that they will take what they want? It may seem that his intentions for becoming a pirate in the beginning is good, but it also flipped instantly.
From Jewel of the Realm, Killian Jones renamed the ship to Jolly Roger and taking place of the Captain.
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Present Day Neverland: Henry
Poked with the end of a spear by a lost boy named Devin, he challenged Henry what seemed like a duel, taunting him by saying, “If you can’t handle this, how can you handle what Pan has in store for you?” Do the Lost Boys know what Pan’s plans are?
Somewhat afraid, Pan told Henry to turn the stick he was holding into a real sword, since he’s the truest believer anyway. When Henry was able to do it, Pan seemed surprised. Did Henry used the island’s magic or does he have his own powers? Is Pan somewhat grooming him to be the next Peter Pan so he can leave the island himself and grow up?
Seeming to enjoy attacking the Lost Boy, Henry suddenly apologized when he cut Devin’s cheek but Pan told him of the best thing about being a Lost Boy – Never Apologize.
Just thought I’d comment on how the boar hunting in this episode reminded me of “Lord of the Flies” [by William Golding], a book about a bunch of boys who are stranded on an island without any adults and try to form their own society, which rapidly falls apart as they begin fighting each other. Boar hunting was an integral part of the story, a task taken on by a group of boys who soon become a faction working against the protagonist. Names to watch out for among the Lost Boys, if the writers choose to make any more nods to “Lord of the Flies”, are Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon, and Roger.
— opera13
Without a heart (literally), Devin comes back to Pan’s camp and handed the mirror to Henry. At first, Henry was hesitant, thinking it was a trick, but eventually realized it was indeed both her Moms and grand mother talking to him, coming to rescue. However, when Emma, Regina and Snow said I love You, Henry threw the mirror instead of replying. Is he avoiding them or is he already turning into a Lost Boy? The mirror kind of like Emma and Henry’s walkie talkie during the first season, where he keeps the walkie talkie with him all time as their means of communication. So why did he threw the mirror? It’s not as if he doesn’t know the mirror can be used to communicate.
But before Devin even arrived, Henry was seen drawing a house in the sand, but was pushed back across the drawing erasing it. It’s obvious that Henry misses home and his family, but is this also a hint that his hope could now be slipping away and at the same time, coming to terms that his fate is to stay in Neverland forever?
If Henry turned into a Lost Boy, there would definitely be more struggle as they try to save him; not just his body, but also his soul. They may be able to take Henry home but the question is will he come with them?
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More on Neverland
Inside young Baelfire’s cave can be seen what seemed like numbers summing up to about 70+ weeks. They initially thought that Baelfire counted the days that he was in Neverland, with Snow even suggesting that the counting stopped because he eventually managed to get out of the island, but Emma countered her mother, saying that it was because Neal lose hope.
It’s great to know more about Emma’s background; her telling her experiences in different foster home, relating to young Baelfire in Neverland, losing hope. On the other hand, Hook told them that without hope, Henry is getting closer and closer to becoming a Lost Boy. Did Bae eventually became a Lost Boy and willingly joined them, or was he forced to be one of them and just manage to ran away? Was he hiding for a while and just gave up? Bae’s cave was full of things from his past. When did Bae lose hope (and got it back)? Pan said last episode that he taught Bae something; does that mean that Bae eventually became one of them?
When Devin said “are you trying to start a war with Pan?” Emma replied, “Pan started a war when he kidnapped my son!” Aren’t they already in a war with Pan? Or is Pan just warming up toying with them for the moment, and haven’t showed what he truly can do?
When Emma told Devin that they could free all of them from Pan, Emma sounded a lot like Wendy; wanting to take the boys back home and saying something motherly like taking them back to their mothers, to which Devin refused, saying none of them wants to go home. Do the Lost Boys really don’t want to leave the Neverland? Or were they just brainwashed to want to stay in the island? Are there no more hope for the rest of them?
Devin said something that is kind of mind-boggling: “Henry is one of the most vicious new recruits we have in ages.” What does he mean? Was that because Henry sliced his cheek or does he know something else?
It’s always nice to see Regina embrace who she really is by showing her dark side; only this time, she was kind of doing it for good reasons. Emma even let her rip the Lost Boy’s heart out, embracing Snow as Regina do it. It is admirable that Snow tries to do the right thing all the time. But is doing a bad thing for the right reason their only choice?
While Regina was left to deal with Devin, Snow said something to her daughter about a line between what Emma is willing to do and what Regina is. Is Emma capable of doing dark magic? How far is Emma willing to take to save her son?
As the women executes their plan of trapping one of the Lost Boys, Hook and Charming went trekking to the Echo Caves to find the Sextant. It’s good how protective Charming is of his daughter but he can also be nasty to Hook without even knowing him in the first place. But now that Hook helped save him from the Dreamshade’s poison, will his perception towards Hook change?
David told Hook that he doesn’t want to die a liar. If that is so, why has he been lying to his family — his wife more importantly — about his condition? David lived a lie pretending to be his dead twin that he tried to escape for so long so how can he lie to his family this much? It may be an honorable thing to do to spare his family of his own misery but it also looks like this Charming in Neverland is reverting back to the weaker version of himself when The Evil Queen’s curse was on him.
During one of the earlier episodes of the second season, Regina conjured a giant cupcake, which Henry refused because it was made by magic. After he turned a stick into a real sword, will his perception about magic change the longer he stays in Neverland? Henry initially hates magic but now that he’s done it himself, how will it affect him?
When David and Hook made it back to where Emma, Regina and Snow are, David told them that Hook saved his life. Why is David giving Hook too much credit? Are they going to become like brothers? They both said they remind each other of their own brothers, anyway.
Pan & Hook’s Deal
As Hook waits for David, Pan appeared to him and offered to work for him again. When Hook asked kind of dirty work does Pan want him to do, Pan ordered him to first see Charming’s dead body up on the peak; to kill him before the poison does, and to see his own hook inside Charming’s body.
Pan seemed to be poofing around a la Rumpelstiltskin; even have a lot similarities with him.
Should Hook decided to be employed by Pan again, Peter Pan offered him a passage off the island, allowing him to take someone with him — Emma. He also added to leave Henry behind, since Emma has left her son before, and he can be there to pick up the pieces; if there’s one thing Hook is good at, it’s surviving.
I wanted to address something that really stood out to me about the cliff top deal between Pan and Hook. I was amazed that Pan never offered to kill Rumplestiltskin, or even dangled the inevitable prospect of Rumple’s “undoing” in front of Hook. Rumple’s death has always been the carrot and stick for Hook–Regina, Cora and Greg & Tamara all used it to get him to do their bidding. Even though Hook has supposedly given up his revenge, does anyone really think he’d say “no” to the chance of seeing the Crocodile skinned?
Pan has made a big deal out of the fact that he “always keeps his promises.” I think that suggests that he has no intention of killing Rumple and wants him alive and on the island, so he isn’t prepared to put that promise on the table AT ALL. Because of the implied history between them, Pan definitely has a personal stake in keeping the Dark One alive. Bonus prediction: I would be VERY surprised if he doesn’t end up with the knife before the end of the arc.
— Isabelle
Is Hook really isn’t over about skinning his crocodile?
Before David drinks the water from the spring, he said that he is willing to stay in Neverland if it means saving his own life. If David found a way to fly, can he leave Neverland? Liam didn’t die until they sailed away from Neverland. What if the price of magic can be willingly paid by someone else? Who will be willing to pay it for him? Can they make a deal with Pan? Hook looks like someone who will die for Charming that is, if he really do love Emma. If he does, would he be willing to sacrifice himself to let David leave Neverland with his family and allow Emma and Neal to (finally) be together?
Regina saying: “I don’t do Rum.” Does that indicate anything?
The Kiss
Is it really a one time thing? Emma might be feeling something about Hook but just doesn’t want to allow it because she’s still moving on from losing Neal. However, something the way Emma looks seem to say otherwise.
My thoughts on the Captain Swan kiss is that neither Killian or Emma were expecting to feel anything towards one another. Yes, the attraction is there, but they felt real emotions for one another outside of attraction. Emma said she still loves Neal, and of course Killian is still in love with Milah’s ghost. Even though Neal is not dead, I think the writers are showing us that both Killian and Emma are moving on from their past and slowly letting go. I don’t think it’s love yet between CS, but if written the right way, it really could be, but who knows what Adam and Eddy have up their sleeves! — TimelessCaptainSwanShipper
I think the kiss between Emma and Hook was just one of those things. Emma is still mourning Neal, and was very thankful for Hook being selfless and saving Charming. I say she was caught up in the moment, and realized what she did. I don’t think that there was some island reason, like Jeremy thinks. I just think it was thank you, just taken too far. — Onceabeliever
Keren was reminded of The Princess Bride when Hook said, “As you wish.”
Does Emma’s kiss mean anything? The last time her lips touched someone was when she broke Regina’s sleeping curse by kissing Henry in the forehead.
Big Fat Secret
Pan finally told Hook that Neal is alive and in Neverland. Will Hook tell Emma? Or will he keep Emma all to himself, leaving out the truth to himself? Pan could tell Emma that Hook knows, making Hook look like a Rascal, which will definitely make Emma hate Hook.
Felix told Pan that they drugged Neal. How exactly did they drugged him? Poppies?
In the end, Pan ordered the Lost Boys to hang neal next to the other one. Who is on the other cage? Is it someone we already know or one that we haven’t met before? Someone who’s connected to the Dark One, perhaps?
Belle and Tinkerbell are two characters big enough to be held captive. Although Tink’s home is far from Pan’s camp, did he somehow figured out that she is helping them save Henry and is now punishing her for conniving with them? Is it the Dark One himself? But if Rumple is caged, he could easily get out of it, unless the cage is built with some magic, preventing him from poofing out of it.
Whoever is in the box is someone very important.
What if the person in the box is an adult Wendy? What if she was behind the Home Office and working with Peter Pan, but discovered that Peter Pan didn’t want to destroy magic but to get Henry. Perhaps she turned on Peter Pan and he decided to keep Wendy.
— Aleana
Wouldn’t it be interesting to see adult Neal with kid Wendy if it was Wendy?
I wonder if the person in the cage next to Neal could be Tiger Lily? I’d definitely like to see her brought into the mix. Another possibility is that Pan knows about the heartless lost boy [Devin] and has locked him up to prevent further use.
— Megan
If Tiger Lily have connection with any of the characters, it may be possible that the person caged next to Neal is Tiger Lily.
Who is being held captive next to Neal? I feel that the person who has the greatest impact on the story would implicate Pan and Rumple as brothers, it being their father. Kitsis and Horowitz said that the Pan storyline won’t end at the winter break, so I think it will be ongoing and juicy.
— Onceabeliever
Pan keeps rubbing in Rumple’s father since the second episode, after all. How about you, who do YOU think is up there besides Neal? Let us know by filling in the comment section below!
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