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What does Peter Pan have planned for Emma? What’s really happening to Rumplestiltskin? Will Snow and Charming die? Join us as we discuss “Lost Girl”.
It’s only the second episode of season 3 and it already feels like the writing and acting have significantly improved.
They’ve been using some of Mark Isham’s first season music. Announcement: We may be interviewing with Mark Isham, so send your questions to Daniel at feedback@ONCEpodcast.com with “Mark Isham” in the subject line.
Past Enchanted Forest
The Enchanted Forest storyline answered a lot of questions, questions that we weren’t asking. It did give us good character background, but not so much plot background.
The Magic Mirror/Genie was back. But there aren’t any mirrors in the forest so how does he show where Snow is and what she is up to?
When Snow was saying, “Let’s take back the kingdom!” she was talking about King George’s kingdom. (in the finale of season 1, she was looking over at King George’s castle). Why does Regina care? Maybe Snow was just referring to the taking back of both kingdoms from the evil rulers..
Snow’s speech was very empowering, but alas, no one was willing to fight with her. It gave us a flashback to our podcast episode about “That Still Small Voice.”
Regina says she wants to take away everything that was supposed to be Snow’s.
They introduce Merlin as a “benevolent mage.” Was he the powerful wizard who made the cloak for Red? The Blue Fairy has also been called benevolent. Are they slowly leading us to Camelot?
I just wanted to say that “Lost Girl” this is the second time we get a Camelot reference, both with “The Sword in the Stone” and with the direct mention of “Merlin.” It makes me wonder if they plan to set up something to do with Camelot and whether or not we will one day see Merlin. I have a feeling that maybe he would be even more powerful, or at least on par than Rumpelstiltskin, or for that matter the Blue Fairy. Well those are just some of my thoughts. Thanks for reading
P.S If they do cast Merlin I personally hope he’s played by the one and only John De Lancie aka Q from Star Trek
– darkones1fan
Only the kingdom’s true ruler can free the blade, even if Charming was lying about the sword. He was doing this to bring out who he knew she was. Nice placebo effect.
Sword that Snow pulled out = Fauxcalibur
When Snow talks to Rumple, Rumple takes Snow’s necklace. So far, he has never taken something without a purpose.
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This takes place only a few hours after they land in Neverland. No one has slept, still no daylight.
The special effects team did a great job removing the shadow. When Rumple cuts off his shadow, he talks to it as though it is a separate being. He says, “You know what to do, hide it where no one can find it [the dagger], not even me.”
Peter Pan and Rumple definitely have a history.
Rumple and Peter Pan obviously know each other. Last season, Rumple told Bae he could easily turn him back to the age of 14. What if Pan and Rumple are related, and Rumple cursed Pan as a boy to Neverland like Regina banished Cora to Wonderland?
Rumple knows about the shadow-ripping, so he may have tried to protect himself so Pan would not have any power over him.
I have a theory that Pan and Rumple were once friends (Rumple a former lost boy) and when Rumple wanted to go back home, Pan did not want to go. Now Pan is overreacting like a child who’s friend moved on with life.
– Art
Regina: “I could have just poofed us up here in an instant.” Maybe a nod to the fans?
Hook said there are many dangers in Neverland, such as Dreamshade, the source of the poison on Rumplestiltskin. In natural form, death is slow and painful. He used a concentrated dose on Rumple, rather than the natural form. Charming has been poisoned by it as well. Is Charming headed to a slow and painful death?
Snow really wants to be called mom. We predict that before the end of the season, Emma will call Snow mom.
Emma refers to our world’s portrayals of Hook and poor Hook didn’t know what a perm was.
Was Emma the only one who could hear crying boys? Was it Peter’s tactic to lure her away from the others?
Pan is scheming and mischievous, but he says he ALWAYS keeps his promises. Even Hook knows that Pan keeps his word. Both Peter and Rumple never break their promises/deals. Did they learn this from a similar parent?
Hook is also familiar with Pan’s games. Has he played them before? Pan says he expected more from Hook and Hook acknowledged that he would give it. Maybe Hook had once beat Pan at his game, which allowed him to go back to the Enchanted Forest.
Pan tells Emma, “It’s about HOW you find Henry.” Is it a “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game?” kind of deal?
Why did Belle show up? Neverland runs on imagination, but imagination also runs wild. Belle said things that ONLY Belle would know. Was it just what Rumple wanted to hear?
In this episode, I was very surprised when we first see Belle, and I said, “Whoa! Why is she in Neverland?!” I figured that she must have snuck a ride on the Jolly Roger back in “And Straight on ‘Til Morning,” but no, she apparently is not really there. She tells Rumple that he conjured her up, so I have a theory. What if presenting loved ones to people in order to motivate them and get them to where they need to go is one of the Island’s mysterious abilities? Perhaps, Regina will see Daniel (which might further motivate her to stay on her redemptive path), Hook will see Milah (perhaps reminding him of his tender, loving side – I know, I can already hear you scoffing, Jeremy), and Emma will see Neal (possibly causing her to start to wonder if he is still alive). I want to stress that I have not seen any kind of promo or press release indicating any future plot point along those lines. My theory is not based on any spoilers.
From this past episode, not only does it seem that Pan wants people to feel like they’re alone, he also wants them to embrace their past, and not look to the future.
So since in Neverland “Imagination runs wild”, it seems that Rumplestiltskin is able to conjure up an image of Belle. I think it’s important to note that she’s wearing clothes from her past, not her present self in Storybrooke. Since it’s in Rumples head, she convinces him to move on – yes he’s an orphan, but that’s in the past. Time to accept it, and keep going forward.
However, the MOMENT Rumplestiltskin throwns the doll off the cliff it comes back to him. He sets it on fire. It comes back. He gives up, and he takes it with him. He literally cannot get rid of his past on this island.
The focus of the episode was on Emma as well – getting her to accept that she still feels somewhat like an orphan. In this episode, she admits it, and Pan wins.
For our heroes to win, I think they have to find a way to do the exact opposite – they need to embrace their future. Emma eventually needs to accept that she does still feel like an orphan, but she also needs to accept that she isn’t one anymore. How? Snow already gave us the answer at the beginning of the episode…she needs to start calling them Mom and Dad (as weird as that sounds…)
Does Regina know Pan from a previous encounter? “I can feel his smugness.”
Rufio, Rufio, RU-FI-OOOOOOOOO. Hook tells Felix that “remember what I did to Rufio? It’s a far worse fate for you.”
We predict that the following episodes will have individual characters having their past rubbed in their faces.
Emma feels more like an orphan in Neverland. Snow and Emma’s relationship seemed to strengthen.
All five adults are in a sense orphans.
The map reviews itself when Emma accepts that she is an orphan. Does it look familiar? (Hint: Disney’s Peter Pan)
The map shows:
- Indian Village
- Bowline Point
- Pirate’s Cove
- Cab Sound
- Minaty Bay—real place in British Columbia north of Steveston
- Mermaid’s Lagoon
- Skull Rock
- Pan’s Secret Hideout
Hook may or may not have known where Pan’s hideout was.
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More on Neverland
Is there something more between Hook and Emma? Hook seemed to genuinely feel concerned about Emma. Captain Swan anyone?
Maybe the key to surviving Neverland lies not in facing the truth about yourself, but having faith that you can change and that there is more to you than your past suffering and mistakes. “Lost Girl” demonstrated that Emma and Rumplestiltskin are both being confronted by the ghosts of their pasts. Emma was forced to accept her identity as an orphan and Rumple called himself a coward and said he had followed in his father’s footsteps. Pan forced Emma to face this painful truth and Rumple has not been allowed to escape the doll, the painful reminder of his past. I think that if they can face these truths, accept them, and have faith that they can change and be more than the sum of their pasts and pain, they will be able to defeat Pan, whose power seems to lie in despair and lack of hope and faith. He seems to be the complete antithesis of the Peter Pan who spoke of faith, trust, and pixie dust. What do you guys think?
– Katie
What will Charming have to deal with from his past? Does he have conflicting feelings about being a Prince/King and a shepherd? Will he have to face his father?
Henry is Pan’s little gambling token and Pan tells Emma some pretty painful things.
I think that Peter Pan will brainwash Henry to where he doesn’t forgive Emma for giving him away, but the thing that makes Henry snap back into reality is Neal coming to Neverland. This is because Neal never really gave Henry away or abandoned him. It will also surprise him that his father is alive. I also think the thing that might save Charming is maybe Emma using magic to heal him? Just a thought, thanks!
– Maddi
Peter Pan told Emma that Henry would never forgive her for abandoning him. Yet, in “Manhattan” Henry point-blank told Mr. Gold he’d already forgiven her: “You know… I forgave her. Emma – for giving me up. She thought it was the best for me then. That’s why she did it. I’m sure your son will get it, too.” So I think Peter Pan was simply lying to get into Emma’s head.
If we go by the fact that Pan never lies, maybe he is just predicting the future.
I was thinking about the things that Peter Pan told Emma in the last episode involving Henry, about how he [Henry] hasn’t forgiven her for giving him up for adoption and how when she finds him he isn’t going to want to leave Neverland. I don’t think that is true, but rather that is what Pan wants.
Pan is in control of Neverland and the Lost Boys, who are lost because they feel abandoned and alone. Henry definitely doesn’t feel that way. He feels loved by his family, by Emma, Regina, and the gang. He knew from the very minute that he was kidnapped and thrust into the portal that Emma and Regina were going to find a way to save him. Henry is in no way “lost”.
Pan can only control those who are lost, who have the look of sadness in their eyes which Henry definitely doesn’t have. Thus Pan has no real power over Henry. In order for Pan to get what he wants (Henry and his heart), he has to make Henry feel the same way that the rest of the Lost Boys (and Emma) do.
How in tune with Neverland is Pan?
Is Pan foreshadowing what is inevitable or telling Emma what he is planning to do?
I think Pan will take Emma to the brink of losing her father and put her mother in peril too. My theory is to defeat him she will use reverse tactics. She will grow to realise that she is loved, cared for and not alone. (Orphan) All truths which Pan himself forces on others but, may not admit himself.
– Emma
I was thinking about Peter Pan and his agenda with Emma and Henry. I think it will be revealed that Pan is an orphan himself “abandoned” by a mother and/or father whom he still resents. Maybe his big mission in life is to make other children and parents feel his pain. Everyone knows that Pan is all about games. And one thing about gamers is that they love a challenge. Wouldn’t the ultimate challenge involve turning the purest believing heart (Henry) into the worst cynic? Turning Henry against Emma would be the biggest prize for him. Or maybe turning Henry against Emma gives Peter some kind of power. Power to leave the island? Power to find his parents who abandoned him? What do you think?
– DancInSun
Pan’s agenda has already started with Charming being poisoned.
I wonder if Pan is a “Dorian Grey” type character? In the story [“The Picture of Dorian Grey” by Oscar Wilde] Dorian sold his soul so that he would be immortal but this came at a price, like OUAT. Every time he sinned a painting of his pre-corrupted self would age and wither eventually showing and (when he did look upon it ) turning him into an old decrepit shell of a man. I wonder if a similar fate would befall Pan and if there is an object which haunts him like Rumple’s doll.
– Emma
I noticed something. Everyone seems to be glossing over the fact that Snow hauled off and punched Regina over not really a whole lot, and that is not something Snow would normally do. So obviously she is still going to be dealing with the whole black heart think this year. Also why wasn’t Tamaras heart black?
They may have not been their full selves while in Neverland or on Hook’s ship.
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